WelcomeTo My World

Sunday 26 August 2012

of that well of reason

of that well of reason

in the well of my reason
that vast multidimensional expression of self
there are possibilities
without end
to assist me
that i may defend
the ground i claim
my own

within the realm
of the unknown
we play games
of “Convince and Deny”
as we vie
to not face the retributions
that comes with
our executions
in life
or the lack thereof

there is that
never aging child within
sin free
on a spree
who simply confronts
life’s stern dictates
with a seemingly
innocent and unattached

and then there is
the “woe is me” Me
who refuses to see
that it was he
who made that bed
he now
has to lie his head in . . .
and lyin’
is one of his many talents
he employs with a certain valiance
for he uses this gift
speaking fable
and folklore
to himself

and then
there is the “Word Wizard”
who can enact an acumen
with a zeal and a Zen
that can charm a snake
right out of his skin
and maketh him
feel guilty for being naked

and let us not forget
the “Cryer”
whose tears
keeps that well of reason
in supply
should the heat of the day
get too high

and that guy over there
he carries the world
on his shoulders
acting so much
telling himself
he is strong
while secretly he longs
to find a way out

where is the song ?

but my favorite one
with whom i have much fun
is the magician
who makes things disappear

yes he’s the one
with the queer
little idiosyncratic fears
he holds dear
just so he can smile at them

and all the vile gems
he has discovered
about self
through his digging
with a keen gleaned eye
he laughs at them
and him self
without reason
but because he can
and again
he realizes
the insignificance
of the significance
of that well of reason

© 25 August 2012 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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