WelcomeTo My World

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


The Church Family kids

National (BlackNews.com) -- After losing a family member to Cancer, a united family of 9 (2 adults and 7 children) combined their pain, anger, and talent to compose a very unique musical composition, encouraging President Obama and others to permanently stop smoking cigarettes. The Church Family creatively included President Obama in their composition and promotion.
Nerissa Gordon (36), a non-smoker, recently passed away after a tragic bout with colon cancer. She was a single mother and left behind 4 children the oldest being autistic. Despite financial difficulties, Nerissa's younger sister Carla and brother-in-law Michael Church, without hesitation, accepted the daunting task of raising Nerissa's 4 children (ages 7-12) along with their own 3 children (ages 5-14). The Church family's household has increased to a blooming family of 9.
Michael who composes music as a hobby, decided to use music as a therapeutic remedy to help heal some of the family's grief. Michael created some instrumental compositions, then along with his wife and the children wrote positive and inspirational lyrics for 3 songs they recorded. One of these songs is called "Cigarettes are Ehhh", encouraging people to stop smoking cigarettes. The Church family remembers how painful it was when they lost a member of their family to Cancer, not because of smoking cigarettes, but by an act of GOD. While creating this song some of the family remembered that President Obama was a smoker. They concluded that smokers, including President Obama, have been intentionally putting themselves at risk for developing Cancer. This could eventually cause the exact emotional pain on the Obama family and others, as the Church family has recently felt.
The Church Family created "Cigarettes are Ehhh" as a song with a catchy hook, compelling lyrics, a friendly edge, and a little help from President Obama's "Yes We Can". The family believes their song will help promote their anti-smoking campaign message to enlighten many smokers, and spark healthy conversations between parents and their children, and vice versa.
"Cigarettes are Ehhh", was released for free in 2010 at www.FreeFamilyGlue.com/HipShop.aspx. Since then First Lady Michelle Obama has recently released a statement to the media that President Obama has stopped smoking. Although the Church family made an attempt to reach President Obama via email to share their song with the First Family, they aren't sure whether or not President Obama listened to their song or was influenced by it. However, they are happy that President Obama has begun the quitting process. They hope their ‘Cigarettes are Ehhh' message, its unforgettable hook, and the free smoking help resources on their website can help others who have begun the quitting process, remain unhooked permanently.
The family is promoting their anti-smoking campaign message using a controversial and shocking YouTube video, depicting some graphic side effects caused by smoking cigarettes. Some of these images may be a bit unsettling, so they offer a second option, without the graphic images, to listen to the song from a music player, on their website FreeFamilyGlue.com.
The inspirational song "Cigarettes are Ehhh" along with two other positive songs can be downloaded absolutely free on their website at www.FreeFamilyGlue.com/HipShop.aspx. Smokers can also receive free smoking help resources on their website at www.FreeFamilyGlue.com/FreeSmokingHelp.aspx. The Church Family is seeking compassionate sponsors to help promote their ‘Cigarettes are Ehhh' anti-smoking campaign message worldwide.


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