WelcomeTo My World

Friday 11 February 2011

Wives Turn to Internet to Free Inmates

HOUSTON - If Texas is the death row capital of the world, it looks like a group of lovestruck Europeans is zeroing in on changing our laws.

We've all heard of social networking websites. You can use them to build a career, make new friends, find old ones.

But how about changing the laws in a country that’s not even yours?

It’s happened for years. Death row inmates find a pen pal and sometimes marry them, but there's a new twist to this not-so-traditional courtship.

It seems these long-distance wives are now turning to social networking websites in hopes of freeing their men.

If you log on to their page, you'll find a bold recruitment attempt, calling for the immediate abolishment of the death penalty in the United States.

The site, currently posted on MySpace.com, caught the attention of Crime Victim Advocate Andy Kahan.

"There's a huge European network particularly in Germany and Italy, that are pushing to unite European women who've either married death row inmates are seeking pen pal relationships," said Kahan.

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