Thursday, 31 January 2013
#OccupySteubenville February 2, 2013 Info Release
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TAMPA, Fla. -- Marissa Alexander had never been arrested before she fired a bullet at a wall one day in 2010 to scare off her husband when she felt he was threatening her. Nobody got hurt, but this month a northeast Florida judge was bound by state law to sentence her to 20 years in prison.
Alexander, a 31-year-old mother of a toddler and 11-year-old twins, knew it was coming. She had claimed self-defense, tried to invoke Florida's "stand your ground" law and rejected plea deals that could have gotten her a much shorter sentence. A jury found her guilty as charged: aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Because she fired a gun while committing a felony, Florida's mandatory-minimum gun law dictated the 20-year sentence.
justice will prevail please Sign !
Police Brutality in Baltimore City: The Anthony Anderson Case
Join us this episode of Critical Insight on the Your World News Media Outlet for an important conversation we had with Mr. Marcus Pettiford. Marcus Pettiford is the son of Anthony Anderson, Sr. Anthony Anderson Sr. was a Black man who was brutally murdered by Baltimore City police officers in 2012. The police officers that murdered Anthony Anderson Sr. literally got away with murder----just as most murdering police officers in the US get away with their crimes. Listen to this important interview with Anthony Anderson's son, Marcus Pettiford, as he discloses information regarding his father's case that has routinely been suppressed by the mainstream corporate media.
R.I.P Hadiya Pendelton Chicago Teen shot and killed '15
STOP THE VIOLENCE! God speed Hadiya. We love you sweet
Enforcement still comes first
Mario Cardenas and Alan Maass look at new proposals for immigration legislation.
THE ISSUE of immigration returned to center stage in national politics this week as a bipartisan team of eight senators presented an outline for comprehensive "reform" legislation on Monday--followed the next day by a major speech by President Barack Obama, in which he talked about priorities he would fight for if Congress failed to act.
The twin announcements were hailed as a breakthrough on an issue where Washington has accomplished nothing positive over the past decade, despite many promises and several legislative efforts. But even supporters of immigrant rights who are optimistic about the latest proposals acknowledge that they resemble the failed measures of past years in many ways.
Above all, the new initiatives share the same ugly logic of past legislation--that border enforcement must come first before even a highly restrictive "path to citizenship" can be introduced. The enforcement-first mantra was repeated by the team of eight senators--Charles Schumer, Dick Durbin, Robert Menendez and Michael Bennet for the Democrats, and John McCain, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake for the Republicans--as well as Barack Obama.
If political analysts believe immigration legislation stands a better chance of passing Congress this year, it's because of a steady tide of protest and activism for immigrant rights last year, especially by undocumented youth--followed by the big turnout by Latinos in the 2012 election, which provided Obama with his margin of victory.
As a result, prominent Republicans are supporting immigration legislation, with the argument that their party has to do something to try to win back sections of the Latino vote. But it's still possible that anti-immigrant House Republicans will block even these proposals--or at least eviscerate the aspects of the bill related to the "path to citizenship."
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THE MEDIA analysis of the proposals revolved so much around whether they have bipartisan support that few mainstream commentators recognized how they reinforce the worst aspects of existing federal immigration policy.
Obama, in his high-profile speech from Nevada, displayed the hypocrisy of the mainstream "reform" proposals when he described the "accomplishments" of his first term. Out of one side of his mouth, he defended draconian policies that have victimized millions, while out of the other, he gave lip service to the plight of the Dreamers and the hardships immigrants endure:
First, we strengthened security at the borders so that we could finally stem the tide of illegal immigrants. We put more boots on the ground on the Southern border than at any time in our history. And today, illegal crossings are down nearly 80 percent from their peak in 2000. Second, we focused our enforcement efforts on criminals who are here illegally and who endanger our communities. And today, deportation of criminals is at its highest level ever.And third, we took up the cause of the DREAMers--the young people who were brought to this country as children, young people who have grown up here, built their lives here, have futures here.
Actually, Obama only "took up the cause of the DREAMers" last summer. With an election looming and with activists holding sit-ins in his campaign offices around the country, Obama signed an executive order that implemented aspects of the DREAM Act for undocumented youth, though only temporarily.
But the president's description of his "accomplishments" did get the order right: Border security and deportation came before the DREAMers in his first four years, and they'll definitely dominate upcoming legislative proposals, too.
In fact, the Senate team's plan makes this explicit. Reportedly as a condition for gaining the support of the four Republicans, the senators' proposal would create a commission "comprised of governors, attorneys general and community leaders living along the Southwest border" to determine when the border is "secure." Only after this decision would a "path to citizenship" be implemented.
In other words, whether immigrants even get the chance to try to meet all the complicated conditions required for citizenship will depend on Southwestern political leaders like Jan Brewer, the anti-immigrant Arizona governor who happily enforced the SB 1070 racial profiling law.
Does anyone think Jan Brewer will ever say that the border is fully secure?
There's a wider question here: How can political leaders, whether Republican or Democrat, talk about border security as a necessary precondition for other measures when immigration policy under Barack Obama, like George W. Bush before him, has revolved around...border security?
This is another area where Obama, who promised in 2008 to change the direction of Washington politics, has actually outdone his Republican predecessor. The number of deportations carried out by the Obama administration has hit new records each year of his presidency, reaching nearly 410,000 in 2012.
That's more than 1,100 immigrants kicked out of the U.S. every single day--and 45 deported just in the time it took Obama to offer his immigration reform proposals on Tuesday, as author Jeff Biggers pointed out at From Mexico, the net migration flow has stopped and probably reversed, according to statistics from the Pew Hispanic Center.
As the National Immigrant Youth Alliance said in a statement:
We cannot keep talking about immigrants as criminals. The President and the Senate have placed themselves in the irreconcilable position of trying to both criminalize immigrants and argue for a pathway to citizenship. The only way that immigration reform can be accomplished is if the president chooses to stop treating immigrants as criminals.
All the pompous rhetoric about securing our borders first is a smoke screen to obscure the corruption and waste of a multibillion-dollar immigration-security-enforcement complex that depends for its profits on border militarization.
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EVEN IF you set aside the enforcement provisions, the proposals being put forward around the legal status of the undocumented are deeply flawed. In both the Senate proposal and Obama's, the "path to citizenship" is filled with obstacles only a minority of people will be able to get past.
To start with, any undocumented immigrant already in the U.S. who wants to try for citizenship must pay a fine, back taxes and then go to the "back of the line" of those waiting for legal status. This is an insult to immigrants who have been working and living in this country for decades, contributing in taxes while receiving no representation at all--and facing criminalization instead.
U.S. immigration policy has always been shaped to meet the needs of Corporate America for different kinds of labor. A complicated system of quotas and preferences allows companies access to foreign-born workers with prized technical skills. Obama actually makes a virtue of this--by insisting that his "reform" measures would strengthen the U.S. economy by bringing the "best and brightest" to the U.S., instead of rivals such as China and India.
But the resulting system is a total nightmare, as one writer captured at a blog:
Each year, Congress decides on a quota of people to be admitted through a preference system. That system has two pools--visas for employment and visas for family members. These are further subdivided by category. Family has five categories and four levels of preference. Employment has eleven categories with five levels of preference. (There are special quotas for religious ministers, and another one for Iraqi or Afghan translators.)...In 2013, there will be up to 380,000 "quota" visas. So how many are on the waiting list worldwide? 4,412,693, meaning it would take over 11 years before the first green card under this proposal were granted. But it gets worse.No country is allowed to have more than 7 percent of the world quota. So in the case of Mexico, they will get up to 26,600 visas. And how big is the waiting list in Mexico? 1,316,118. Divide by 26,600 immigrant visas a year and you get 49.47 years--as close to half a century as makes no difference before the first green card would be offered under this proposal.
The coming weeks and months of discussion about immigration legislation will bring to light more injustices. The new proposals, for example, would expand the E-verify program that allows employers to check the immigration status of their workers, as well as Secure Communities, which victimizes immigrants detained by local police.
But it's already clear that Washington's idea of immigration "reform" in 2013 isn't very different--and certainly no more just--than what we saw in the past.
Something else is clear, too. Bold protests by immigrant youth last summer forced Obama's hand, leading to the executive order implementing aspects of the DREAM Act. We'll need the same kind of activism to force a change in the pro-business priorities for immigration legislation--and to win a proposal that's worthy of the term "reform."
Oakland doesn't want Bratton
Stephanie Schwartz and Michael Sanchez report on protests against the city's plan to hire William Bratton, an infamous advocate of stop-and-frisk, as a consultant.
SOME 200 Oakland, Calif., residents rallied at City Hall on January 15 to raise their voices against the racial profiling practices of the Oakland Police Department--and the threat that they could get even worse under a new top cop with a notorious reputation.
On the agenda for a public safety committee meeting that evening was a motion to spend $250,000 to hire William Bratton, former chief of the New York and Los Angeles Police Departments, as a consultant.
Bratton is infamous for his support of racist "stop-and-frisk" and zero-tolerance policies. As New York Police Department chief, the number of stop-and-frisks reached new highs. During his seven years as chief of police in LA, such stops grew by almost 50 percent to 875,204 during his last full year on the job in 2008.
Eighty-four Oakland residents signed up to speak at the January 15 committee meeting, the overwhelming majority opposed to hiring Bratton. Many speakers addressed concerns about violent crime in Oakland, but pointed to police tactics as part of the problem, not the solution.
As Dan Siegel, a lawyer and activist with the Justice for Alan Blueford (JAB) coalition, which is fighting for justice for the 18 year old who was killed by police last May, told the committee, "Stop-and-frisk policies are responsible for the murders of Alan Blueford and Oscar Grant."
Other speakers addressed alternate responses to Oakland crime rate, such as devoting resources to education, jobs programs and restorative justice. As François Hughes, a member of the International Socialist Organization and JAB activist, said:
One of the infractions that zero-tolerance policies target is graffiti. These are folks who can't afford oil paints or canvases, so they use the materials they have available to them. Instead of criminalizing graffiti artists, we should fire the police and use that money to hire graffiti artists to make our city beautiful.
On January 22, activists returned to City Hall to protest at a full city council meeting. In preparation, City Council President Patricia Kernighan sent an e-mail to constituents explaining her decision in favor of hiring Bratton and other pro-police measures, and urged people to come to the meeting to express their support as well, using the slogan, "Sane Oaklanders reclaim their city government!"
Still, most of the Oakland residents who filled the City Council chambers, galleries and several overflow rooms opposed hiring Bratton.
During a rally before the meeting, Rachel Herzing of Critical Resistance and Stop the Injunctions Coalition expressed frustration with the lack of democracy in the City Council's process:
We encourage the City Council, instead of just steamrolling ahead despite the opposition that's so clear-cut, to listen to the people of Oakland and to respond. We don't want stop-and-frisk here, we don't want racial profiling here, we don't want sit-and-lie here. I think that's been very, very clear. If the chief of police says he doesn't want these policies, then William Bratton is not an appropriate contractor.
Walter Riley of the Justice For Alan Blueford Coalition reacted to statements from City Council members claiming that hiring Bratton as a consultant is not an endorsement of stop-and-frisk, saying, "This is about Stop and Frisk--that's who William Bratton is. He said on last Monday night that cities have to use stop-and-frisk...This is not the kind of PR that our communities need."
Rashidah Grinahe of People United For a Better Life in Oakland addressed alternative uses for the $250,000 the city wants to use for Bratton:
This is money that could be used to really help folks in Oakland. There are people who are hurting, there are people who need jobs, there are people who need training, there are people who need support, and this money is going down the drain to some person to come in here and presumably "enlighten" this police department. We're paying for essentially two police chiefs here: one who we already have and one who we're paying the same salary to for a short while...We're saying thanks, but no thanks. We have a lot better uses for this money right here in Oakland.
Another speaker, George Galvis of Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice, explained how his organization worked to provide an alternative to law-and-order policies:
We have an organization here that works with young people being caught up in the madness--the same young people that this city referred to as sociopaths, as domestic terrorists, as bullet-magnets, young men who were defendants in the gang injunction here in Fruitvale. We've worked with them, we've seen them transform their lives, we've seen them become engaged in their community, developing community gardens, developing community beautification projects, promoting peace and unity, mural projects in the gang injunction zone.
Though the City Council did vote to hire Bratton, it's clear that Oakland activists will continue organizing against the racist policies of the Oakland Police Department.
Mali 'bloody atrocities': Exclusive footage shows army's war crimes
RT has managed to get exclusive footage of what's believed to be the atrocities committed by the Malian army in a town liberated from the Islamist rebels with the help of French forces. Information on civilian casualties in Mali has been notably scarce. We spoke to local journalist Gonzalo Wancha, who told us of the origins of the unsettling tape.
Documentary: Cuban Five P1
This documentary deals with the story of five Cuban intelligence officers convicted in Miami of conspiracy to commit spying, and shows the U.S. double policies with respect to the issue of terrorism.
Documentary: Cuban Five P2
This documentary deals with the story of five Cuban intelligence officers convicted in Miami of conspiracy to commit spying, and shows the U.S. double policies with respect to the issue of terrorism.
The incarceration nation
The United States incarcerates a greater percentage of our population than any other nation - nearly 2.4 million Americans are behind bars, at a cost to taxpayers of more than $63 billion a year. Correspondent Martha Teichner looks into how that bleak statistic came about, and at efforts being made to change this.
Women's Gun Advocate's Hilariously Hypocritical Testimony
"Gayle Trotter, the conservative activist who became the breakout star of Wednesday's gun violence hearing in the Senate with her adamant cry that women need assault rifles to defend themselves, wrote last year that she opposed the Violence Against Women Act.
The reason, she said at the time, was the law would create the prospect of "false accusers" stealing taxpayer money by using shelters and legal aid."*
Conservative gun advocate Gayle Trotter is adamant that women need guns to protect themselves-- except the example she used in her argument wasn't even applicable, she massively misused gender stereotypes, and she opposed the Violence Against Women act for a reason counter to her entire argument. Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more from Evan McMorris-Santoro:
WH Responds To Slaying Of Hadiya Pendleton, Petition Created Urging Obama To Attend Her Funeral
WH Responds To Slaying Of Hadiya Pendleton, Petition Created Urging Obama To Attend Her Funeral
In response to inquiries about the official petition that has begun circulating, urging the president to return to Chicago to honor the brief life of the girl who performed for him just 10 days ago, White House spokesman Jay Carney said that he had no knowledge of the petition nor of any scheduling changes.
The President and First Lady offered their condolences to the family.
Read more here:
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Serial Killers: The Real Silence of the Lambs | History Channel Documentary
Meet the deranged serial killers and the determined FBI agents who inspired one of Hollywood's most terrifying thrillers and gave Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster the roles of a lifetime. We go behind the scenes at the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit to meet the profilers who became the basis for Harris's characters and to uncover the details of real-life murderers Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, and others.
Prison Diaries: Til Death Do Us Part | Crime Documentary
TLC shares the full story behind some the women who are incarcerated in America's prisons in the all-new six-episode series "PRISON DIARIES", premiering Thursday September 19 at 10/9c. Featuring first-person interviews with the convicted women, their victims and families, and the people who brought the crimes to justice, each story offers an exclusive and harrowing journey inside the female criminal mind.
Episiode 2:Three female inmates reveal how the things they did for love landed them behind bars.
Malian women recount abuse under al-Qaeda linked group
More details are emerging of what life was like under the group Ansar Dine in Timbuktu. Malian women recount the abuse they suffered under al-Qaeda linked militants. On Monday, French troops took Timbuktu, forcing the militants to flee into the surrounding desert. Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland reports from Timbuktu.
HOW MANY MORE Aiyana Stanley-Jones Trayvon Martin & Many More ?
Three Little Girls - Jasiri X
"Three Little Girls" tells the stories of the senseless murders of Christina Taylor Green (9 yrs old), killed during the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Brisenia Flores (9 yrs old), gunned down by anti-immigrant militia intent on starting a race war, and Aiyana Jones (7 yrs old), shot to death while asleep in her home, by the Detroit Police Department, while they were filming a reality TV show. I realize these are sad stories, but how can we not be moved to action by the cold-blooded killings of innocent little girls? We have to begin to take an unflinching look at a culture that continues to glorify guns, bombs, and war and sees violence and aggression as the only solutions to its problems. Written by Jasiri X and featuring 10 year old Hadiyah Yates, "Three Little Girls" was produced by GM3 and directed by Paradise Gray. LYRICS Verse 1 Born on 911 In that dark time as a blessing A face of hope like she was a sign from the heavens Kindness and reverence She grew into a scholar kid Became class president with a love for politics Only nine and wants to find where the congress is Meet her representative Get involved with the processes That morning she was so hyper wanted to meet Ms Giffords by just like her even though she was young she was much wiser Until that automatic weapon was just fired. People falling from getting hit He kept shooting cause his gun had an extended clip like it had no end to it And of the victims hit she was the youngest The mother of her own child she'll never become it The value for life just plummets In this sick society that deserves judgment Rest in peace youngin Verse 2 A little girl with her mommy and daddy on her knees saying a prayer thanking God for her family so happy her whole life ahead of her But outside her door was a hoard of vicious predators Racists sycophants with hatred for immigrants Got with other militias and called them selves the minutemen We know where they got drugs and cash lets go get it then knock knock the little girl wonders whose visiting They never found drugs but they was of brown blood So they cock back and fired round after round of slugs The little girl saw her families bodies on the rug And cried what did we do why did you come to kill us he raised up his gun and shot her twice in the face cause she was only nine but wasn't the right race and that's the reason that we didn't see it in the media so even in death discrimination still reaches her. Verse 3 Little Aiyana Jones chillin in her father's home In Detroit Michigan playing toys with her sisters and doing all the things that make you wish you were a kid again before you understood what a violet world that were living in all played out sleeping on the same couch that she did every night when they turn the lights out But outside the house they had cameras and mic out Reality TV brutality for a fee The first 48 hours on A & E where a officer can play a celebrity distracted by all the action they chose the wrong house flash grenade through the window went crash on the couch Aiyana's on fire now flames getting wider now the first officer through the door pulls out and fired down shot through the neck bleed to death she's expired now I pray she's resting on higher ground we love you
Starting February 1st, 2013, Central Prison in Raleigh, N.C. will be changing their visitation.
Starting February 1st, 2013, Central Prison in Raleigh, N.C. will be changing their visitation. Inmates will be allowed visits once per week & will be on a specific day, depending on what group they are in. There's NO more extended visit especially for those traveling long distance. These inmates are slowly losing everything especially dealing with the outside
Birth control shots forced on Ethiopian women
Ethiopian Jews in Israel are expressing outrage over revelations that the Israeli government gave some of them long-term birth control injections. This week the Israeli government admitted it had used the drug on some Ethiopian women. Many of the women say they now feel the state has been controlling their fertility. Al Jazeera's Nicole Johnston reports from Jerusalem.
Anonymous - Operation Last Resort
Anonymous is for Freedom
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Memphis Police Dept accreditationreassessment: Call 901.636.3904 to protest the MPD accreditation between 1pm and 3pm ET. THE MURDERS CONTINUE WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY - 11 Dead in 2012. See also WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL at http://
The New Jim Crow Discredited, Advocates Demand Revision
For the last couple of years social justice advocates have loudly sung the praises of Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration the Age of Colorblindness, which has garnered a huge following and spawned an allegedly new designation for racial inequity in the United States. However, former champions of the book and those seeking social change are quickly turning on Alexander’s discourse, which radical scholars and activists say promotes a false understanding of mass incarceration in the United States and serves to reinforce the status quo by quietly separating mass incarceration from its most defining and central features.
I had already read The New Jim Crow upon my recent arrival to San Francisco from Geneva. Having been praised as a “must-read” by nearly all reviewers, from The New York Times and National Public Radio to Socialist Alternative and the International Socialist Review, I was not at all surprised to find the book being heavily championed in social justice circles. During General Assembly at an Occupy Oakland meeting I was handed a printed except from the book framed between the slogans “End The New Jim Crow” and “The New Jim Crow Has Got To Go.” When asked about the praise and popularity of the book the graduate student and activist from the University of California Berkeley explained that social justice advocates had been “anxious to have their claims affirmed by popular research” and that The New Jim Crow had met this need.
Weeks later, on my second visit with Occupy Oakland attitudes toward the book had shifted dramatically. Outside an auditorium where civil rights activist Angela Davis was speaking on police brutality, demonstrators gathered around a table bearing a banner with red letters that read “The New Jim Crow Supports the Status Quo.” Assuming that the table was simply passing out literature on mass-incarceration, I was particularly surprised to find that organizers intended their slogan to mean that support for the status quo was being provided by Alexander’s analysis in The New Jim Crow, rather than by New Jim Crow itself.
Alexander’s support for the status quo, wrapped in social-justice anti-drug-war packaging, became all the more clear to me once annoyed former supporters of the book pointed me toward the first serious challenge to Alexander’s work, a radical polemical review entitled “Black Out: Michelle Alexander’s Operational Whitewash,” written by Joseph D. Osel, a political sociologist and independent researcher. Following his review, other intellectuals have also made contentious assessments of the book and organizations that seek to decolonize movements of social change, People of Color Organize!, for example, have discredited the book, urging a re-thinking of The New Jim Crow and arguing that its conceptual framework has been “made malleable for white-middle class consumption,” calling it a “white liberal consumer product.”
In his second devastating analysis, “The Strange Career of The New Jim Crow,” Osel shows how and why The New Jim Crow uses clever rhetoric and research to mask its allegiance to power and makes the case that the book’s discourse seriously “misleads its readers, mystifying and obscuring the true coordinates of the problem and its potential solutions,” calling the book a “counterrevolutionary protest.” A harder look at the book’s rhetoric and a close reading of other radical critiques, Greg Thomas’ “Why Some Like The New Jim Crow So Much,” for example, confirms Osel’s contentious hypothesis and reveals that The New Jim Crow takes as natural and apolitical that which is in reality problematic and political. It reveals that the book obscures the most basic economic mechanisms of mass incarceration, excludes or dismisses more radical and revolutionary perspectives on the subject, and serves the emotional interests of wanting social justice advocates while limiting actual disruption of the system of American mass incarceration. The book seems to be, as one occupier put it, “white capitalist bourgeoisie rhetoric, dressed-up as black social concern.”
The great success of The New Jim Crow rests on the fact that it provides a cathartic release for its readers without seriously threatening oppressive hegemonic assumptions. The book, for example, doesn’t even contain the word “capitalism” and excludes the voices of all radical black thinkers, political prisoners, anti-prison activists, black power advocates, and the most useful philosophies to the subject of mass incarceration. Like many others I was admittedly an unsuspecting victim of this rhetoric, was drawn in easily by the book’s memorable title and by my own desire to see my concerns realized. Furthermore, like other former champions of the text I now consider a re-thinking of New Jim Crow essential and indications are that this re-thinking is now underway. The larger more perplexing problem, however, is that The New Jim Crow was ever acceptable in the first place.
More Reading:
Black Out: Michelle Alexander’s Operational Whitewash:
The Strange Career of The New Jim Crow:
Why Some Like The New Jim Crow So Much:
Free All Political Prisoners!
NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info s...
RT talks to William Binney, whistleblower and former NSA crypto-mathematician who served in the agency for decades. Virtual privacy in US, Petraeus affair and whistleblowers' odds in fight against the authorities are among key topics of this exclusive interview - READ SCRIPT
US Split: Debate rages as Obama pushes gun control law
President Barack Obama has met with police chiefs from cities in the US where mass shootings have occurred. He wants their support for a review of the country's gun control policy. Obama's proposal of tougher gun regulations and a ban on assault weapons has divided public opinion. With many standing by the constitutions 2nd amendment - the right to bear arms. RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports.
Texas Murderer Kimberly McCarthy Becomes First Woman To Be Executed In Two Years
McCarthy was convicted of the 1997 vicious beating and fatal stabbing of her 71-year-old neighbor, retired college professor Dorothy Booth.
According to police investigators, the 51-year-old former nursing attendant, who was addicted to crack cocaine, was also tied to two other similar heinous slayings of two elderly women that had occurred a decade earlier.
Watch McCarthy’s case here:
“Never walk away from what you’re most passionate about“
“Never walk away from what you’re most passionate about in life because nothing is ever a lost cause when you believe in it. Remember, even when you feel that your back is up against the ropes and you want to throw the towel in, there’s still always one more fight left in you and there’s still always something left worth fighting for and holding onto. Because when you find that something in life that is worth fighting for, you don’t give up on it but you fight that much harder for it. Better to take a chance then look back and regret not having taken that chance to make things happen for it’s those risks and chances we take that take us to places far beyond our imagination.”
Jenna Kandyce Linch
Copyright © Jenna Kandyce Linch
Guantanamo - Signs Say NO Closure
" The State Department on Monday reassigned Daniel Fried, the special envoy for closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and will not replace him, according to an internal personnel announcement. Mr. Fried's office is being closed, and his former responsibilities will be "assumed" by the office of the department's legal adviser, the notice said."*
There was a special envoy working to close the Guantanamo Bay prison once and for all, as was promised. Now, he's being reassigned. With no replacement. What will become of the prisoners? Is anyone working to close Gitmo? Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more from Charlie Savage/ New York Times:
Monday, 28 January 2013
Long Distance Revolutionary: A Journey with Mumia Abu-Jamal (official tr...
Long Distance Revolutionary opens NYC February 1, 2013
Opens Seattle February 22, 2013
Opens LA March 1, 2013
Father of Sandy Hook Victim Makes Emotional Plea
Neil Heslin's six-year-old son Jesse Lewis was one of the victims of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Monday he asked Connecticut lawmakers for tougher restrictions on guns
Justice in the case of Johnnie Lee Savory.
The governor of Illinois has the power to override this prosecutor's decision and order DNA testing. Please sign our petition, forward it to your friends and family, and help ensure justice in the case of Johnnie Lee Savory.
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Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Phone: 217-782-0244
TTY: 888-261-3336
Office of the Governor
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, 16-100
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-2121
Office of the Governor
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, 16-100
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-2121
Johnnie L Savory website make a donation to support the Innocence Tour, the first of its kind any where in the world
The Messenger Collection Is @TheJagudEye Store On Zazzle!
Be UNIQUE-- Be YOU-- BE CREATIVE-- SPEAK OUT!!! Visit and check out our showroom for the best of THE MESSENGER Collection- on sale NOW!
Music: Unity (QueenLatifah); I Got It Made (SpecialEd); Flava In Yah Ear (CraigMack)
Petition formed to Free Woman in Prison for Warning Shots Against Abusive Husband
Community groups remain concerned about the case of Marissa Alexander, a woman who was given quite a few years in prison for a situation in which it appeared that she had no other options.
justice will prevail please Sign !
Brenda Pearl White In honor of "BLACK HISTORY" month, I have combined a snippet of MLK's "WE SHALL OVERCOME", with my friend Kroshet's song, "Keep On Standing" to send this powerful message and uplift someone. We hope you will enjoy.!/show/keep_standing_by_kroshet
The US Drone War: Silence is betrayal MLK Jr.
Many have forgotten the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. and betray his very memory by embracing a government just as evil and just as corrupt as the one Dr. King spoke out against. The majority of the Black community has traded their souls for a symbol and false idol.
Thousands march for gun control in Washington DC
While US President Barack Obama pushes Congress to approve tougher gun control laws, more Americans are taking up the cause on the streets. Citizens' groups are staging rallies right across the US, including a Saturday march in Washington DC. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane is there.
Full We Are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
How The Second Amendment Is Supposed to Work
A true story about how the people fought against government corruption and won.
Credit goes to -
Whole Movie if interested...just click the play on the share six page and close the popup fake vid
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battle of athens, McMinn County War, An American Story, athens, Etowah, Tennessee, veterans, 2nd amendment, gun rights, corruption, tyranny, ballot box, Cantrell, Knox Henry, McMinn County, national guard, ron paul, obama, assault weapon, gun control,
The Movie "Pregnant by the Pastor" will be airing on television beginning FEBRUARY 1st........
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Radio interview with Kerry Cunneen: Seattle Grand Jury Resister
Grand Jury resister Kerry Cunneen gave an interview to Finn’s Revolution radio show. Here is a rough transcript of the interview:
Question: What is anarchism and how did anarchists find themselves at May Day in Seattle?
Kerry: Anarchism is a political philosophy centered on the idea that a society without domination is better suited to foster the wellbeing of its members. Anarchists are necessarily anti-capitalists because capitalism hinges on exploitation and economic division in society. We also oppose the concentration of power that we refer to as the state. These various bodies of law, force, and control seek to contain the possibilities for society and compel us all to perpetuate capitalism. There are many other forms of social domination that anarchists will fight to abolish, such as racism and patriarchy, that are also deeply entwined with capitalism.
As for May Day, it is, among other things, an anarchist holiday. It is a day that commemorates the militant labor struggle for the eight hour work day and the anarchists who were killed or imprisoned by the state for participating in this struggle. In Chicago, where the labor struggle was particularly militant, the police opened fire on a picket, killing and wounding picketers. The next day a demonstration was called and a bomb was thrown at the police line, killing an officer and wounding others. The state tried eight anarchists for the murder, and regardless of whether they were at the demonstration or not, all eight were sentenced to death or life in prison. We take May Day as a chance to remember these militant struggles and to inspire us to keep fighting against the state that wants us submissive or dead. Every year there are demonstrations and other events in cities all over. In the Pacific Northwest, Seattle was calling out to anarchists to come together and have a really massive anti-capitalist march. Many anarchists answered the call and showed up in Seattle that day.
Question: What was May 1, Seattle all about? Were there progressive groups involved? What was your involvement? Were you arrested or investigated? If so, how were you treated?
Kerry: There were a lot of events and marches scheduled for May Day in Seattle
this past year. A lot of them were related to occupy. I can’t say much about
the organizing of Seattle’s May Day because I don’t live there and was not
part of the organizing. I can say that May Day demonstrations have in many
places become somewhat placid, not resembling the spirit of resistance to
state control. They often get city permits, and designate peace police to
make sure the march is whatever the organizers want it to be. The anti-
capitalist march in Seattle was organized to be different. This march was
meant to be a disruption of capital. It was unpermitted and there was no
leadership in the march or expectation of abiding laws.
this past year. A lot of them were related to occupy. I can’t say much about
the organizing of Seattle’s May Day because I don’t live there and was not
part of the organizing. I can say that May Day demonstrations have in many
places become somewhat placid, not resembling the spirit of resistance to
state control. They often get city permits, and designate peace police to
make sure the march is whatever the organizers want it to be. The anti-
capitalist march in Seattle was organized to be different. This march was
meant to be a disruption of capital. It was unpermitted and there was no
leadership in the march or expectation of abiding laws.
I was in Seattle at the anti-capitalist march on May Day. It was a glorious
day for anarchists, in my opinion. We effectively disrupted the goings on of
downtown Seattle. I was not arrested or anything, but clearly I have
become involved in the investigation somehow. But, with secret
investigations it is difficult to glean much information.
day for anarchists, in my opinion. We effectively disrupted the goings on of
downtown Seattle. I was not arrested or anything, but clearly I have
become involved in the investigation somehow. But, with secret
investigations it is difficult to glean much information.
Question: Some people are appalled when property damage and injury occur in these kinds of events. What can you say regarding that?
Kerry: I would say that property destruction is an important tactic in the fight
against capitalism. I think property destruction does a number of things that further the struggle against domination. For one, it solidifies for us and reminds us that the powers we fight are not abstract and insurrmountable. They are
vulnerable to attack. I think also that when an institution which forcibly
maintains power over us is targeted by property destruction, this will often
resonate with others who experience the violence of that institution. It
makes us feel less alone and less like victims. I think that property destruction has a good effect on those who carry it out as well. I think most people need to unlearn submission and show themselves that they have the capacity to act for
their own liberation. I think that when people burn cop cars, break bank
windows, or blockade a road (thwarting the transfer of goods and or law
enforcement) they are also demonstrating to themself some of the
magnitude of their ability to resist. I think too that in some cases the
economic damage of property destruction can be effective against the state
and capital. It is not as though breaking windows is an end goal, but it is a
tactic that people shouldn’t thoughtlessly cast aside as if it were the
introduction of violence into the fight against the state, instead of the
response to endless state sponsored violence.
against capitalism. I think property destruction does a number of things that further the struggle against domination. For one, it solidifies for us and reminds us that the powers we fight are not abstract and insurrmountable. They are
vulnerable to attack. I think also that when an institution which forcibly
maintains power over us is targeted by property destruction, this will often
resonate with others who experience the violence of that institution. It
makes us feel less alone and less like victims. I think that property destruction has a good effect on those who carry it out as well. I think most people need to unlearn submission and show themselves that they have the capacity to act for
their own liberation. I think that when people burn cop cars, break bank
windows, or blockade a road (thwarting the transfer of goods and or law
enforcement) they are also demonstrating to themself some of the
magnitude of their ability to resist. I think too that in some cases the
economic damage of property destruction can be effective against the state
and capital. It is not as though breaking windows is an end goal, but it is a
tactic that people shouldn’t thoughtlessly cast aside as if it were the
introduction of violence into the fight against the state, instead of the
response to endless state sponsored violence.
There are many flawed arguments against property destruction, but
without a specific one to debunk, I would only extrapolate on this point that
in general people are accustomed to experiencing and absorbing state
violence as normal. There is a desensitization and sometimes a blame
shifting that goes on to justify state violence against people. But, when
people fight back against these concentrated powers it is sensationalized
and often viewed as unprovoked or illegitimate. In the case of a
demonstration in the streets, it is really awful to hear someone criticize the
breaking of windows as they gloss over the acute violence at the hands of
the state. Demonstrations are often brutally repressed, people are beaten,
pepper sprayed, arrested and imprisoned and this is expected and often
accepted by witnesses and people in general. How can a rational person
deny efforts of resistance the use of violence against those who hold it in a
monopoly? We want to win, we really mean to destroy capital, and for that
we will need to be open to the idea of property destruction. We have to
strip capital of its power over society. This is not an easy or voluntary
occurrence but one that is achieved by force. Property after all, is a farce.
without a specific one to debunk, I would only extrapolate on this point that
in general people are accustomed to experiencing and absorbing state
violence as normal. There is a desensitization and sometimes a blame
shifting that goes on to justify state violence against people. But, when
people fight back against these concentrated powers it is sensationalized
and often viewed as unprovoked or illegitimate. In the case of a
demonstration in the streets, it is really awful to hear someone criticize the
breaking of windows as they gloss over the acute violence at the hands of
the state. Demonstrations are often brutally repressed, people are beaten,
pepper sprayed, arrested and imprisoned and this is expected and often
accepted by witnesses and people in general. How can a rational person
deny efforts of resistance the use of violence against those who hold it in a
monopoly? We want to win, we really mean to destroy capital, and for that
we will need to be open to the idea of property destruction. We have to
strip capital of its power over society. This is not an easy or voluntary
occurrence but one that is achieved by force. Property after all, is a farce.
Question: Kerry, you, Maddy, Matt & Kteeo are currently refusing to cooperate with a Grand Jury in Seattle which is investigating events which occurred during May Day protests last year. First, why do you think the government has subpoenaed you and has decided to pressure you to testify? And why are all of you refusing to appear?
Kerry: I don’t know why I was subpoenaed to the grand jury. I am an Anarchist, I am known to have been in Seattle on May Day and the Feds are grasping at
straws trying to make a case against Anarchists in whatever way they can.
I doubt they have any idea who broke the courthouse windows nor do they
care. I think they are using the attack on the courthouse as a pretext to
bring down a heavy hand and try to scare Anarchists away from militant
resistance. It isn’t working and I am glad to think that this is frustrating to
the state.
straws trying to make a case against Anarchists in whatever way they can.
I doubt they have any idea who broke the courthouse windows nor do they
care. I think they are using the attack on the courthouse as a pretext to
bring down a heavy hand and try to scare Anarchists away from militant
resistance. It isn’t working and I am glad to think that this is frustrating to
the state.
I refuse to appear because I despise the state. They are working to undo
everything that Anarchists stand for. I refuse to help them on the principle
that prisons should be abolished. I refuse them because I am in complete
support of the crimes they are investigating. I refuse them with a visceral
hatred for the law and all of the lives they ruin. I am glad for the little bit of
resistance I can provide in denying them information. I respect and admire
Matt, Kteeo and Maddy for making the sacrifice that is involved in sitting for
and undetermined jail sentence. I just am not personally willing to take a
step in the direction of my own jail cell.
everything that Anarchists stand for. I refuse to help them on the principle
that prisons should be abolished. I refuse them because I am in complete
support of the crimes they are investigating. I refuse them with a visceral
hatred for the law and all of the lives they ruin. I am glad for the little bit of
resistance I can provide in denying them information. I respect and admire
Matt, Kteeo and Maddy for making the sacrifice that is involved in sitting for
and undetermined jail sentence. I just am not personally willing to take a
step in the direction of my own jail cell.
Question: Clearly the government is attempting to intimidate you and anarchists and activists in general. First by calling you to testify in a Grand Jury setting thereby trying to force you give up your right to remain silent which exists in standard judicial courts, and then by jailing some of you to wear you down. Can they legally keep any of you in jail indefinitely until you testify, and just how long do all of you think this can last? Can you talk about what legal actions are being taken on your behalf?
Kerry: The state has the power to do lots of things, legal or not. Legally though,
people can be held in civil contempt for not testifying for a period up to 18
months or whenever the grand jury ends, whichever comes first. The grand
jury is slated to end by March of 2014 so there could be a lot of people in
jail for a long time over this. There are currently no legal actions being
taken on my behalf that I know of. I am not in need of any legal help unless
I am arrested. There doesn’t seem to be much that lawyers can do to help
people who are subpoenaed. All of the attempts to get the subpoenas
thrown out have been laughed out of the courts. They are going to do all
they can to turn people against their principles. I don’t see it working with
most Anarchists though.
people can be held in civil contempt for not testifying for a period up to 18
months or whenever the grand jury ends, whichever comes first. The grand
jury is slated to end by March of 2014 so there could be a lot of people in
jail for a long time over this. There are currently no legal actions being
taken on my behalf that I know of. I am not in need of any legal help unless
I am arrested. There doesn’t seem to be much that lawyers can do to help
people who are subpoenaed. All of the attempts to get the subpoenas
thrown out have been laughed out of the courts. They are going to do all
they can to turn people against their principles. I don’t see it working with
most Anarchists though.
Question: Kerry, where can listeners find out more about all this, and what can they do to get involved and help?
Kerry: So, the support group for the subpoenaed folks has a website. It is That is where you can go for news
and updates about the grand jury in the Pacific Northwest. It is also where you can donate some much needed money which will help us fill the commissary of
the folks in jail so they can continue to write letters, eat and such things.
We also need money for lawyers fees and in case of indictments coming
from the grand jury. There is a support site for the 5 people recently
indicted for alleged crimes during the various marches of May Day in
Seattle. The site is There is also a
site, which is cataloging the numerous actions of property
destruction which are being carried out in solidarity with those resisting the
grand jury and its targets. That is where you can go for news
and updates about the grand jury in the Pacific Northwest. It is also where you can donate some much needed money which will help us fill the commissary of
the folks in jail so they can continue to write letters, eat and such things.
We also need money for lawyers fees and in case of indictments coming
from the grand jury. There is a support site for the 5 people recently
indicted for alleged crimes during the various marches of May Day in
Seattle. The site is There is also a
site, which is cataloging the numerous actions of property
destruction which are being carried out in solidarity with those resisting the
grand jury and its targets.
I would say that people can help by holding fundraisers and other events to
raise money and awareness about what is happening. You can contact
either support groups to figure out how to set something up in your area.
Probably the most important thing though, is that people continue to
struggle in the spirit of the anti-capitalist march on May Day. People need
to attack, in whatever way they feel they can, the institutions that hold us
down. We are all inspired by resistance and it helps those of us facing
repression to know that we don’t struggle alone.
--raise money and awareness about what is happening. You can contact
either support groups to figure out how to set something up in your area.
Probably the most important thing though, is that people continue to
struggle in the spirit of the anti-capitalist march on May Day. People need
to attack, in whatever way they feel they can, the institutions that hold us
down. We are all inspired by resistance and it helps those of us facing
repression to know that we don’t struggle alone.
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