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Monday, 16 May 2011

Teen Arrested For Asking Cop About Unwarranted Raids (TEN FACTS)

Teen Arrested For Asking Cop About Unwarranted Raids (TEN FACTS)
From: NsaneSk8er007 | May 7, 2011 | 361,230 views

1. Officer Dustin Hill is a former SEMCA Narcotics agent downgraded to a K-9 Unit officer

2. Police Report Indicates I was arrested for standing within FIVE feet of Hill, when I am clearly 15 feet away.

3. Police Report states that " He said he was filming a story for MAKEACHANGE.ORG and I could tell he was becoming more upset" I was never even remotely upset.

4. It is 100% legal to Film any officer in Public in the state of North Dakota

5. He engaged me, I was not bothering him I was on a public street.

6. I was not interfering with anything, officers should be proud to be seen doing their work in the community, not something to hide.

7. Law enforcement states they were 'unable to pull up the surveillance footage'

8. I was in violation of ZERO laws.

9. I did not serve as a threat to the officer

10. Dustins Sergeant interviewed me without reading me any miranda rights, while I remained cuffed behind my back in a room monitored by 2 officers Like I was a serious threat to the department. I had been patted down.

tomorrow I will be releasing photo copies of the report.
Officer Hill Lies multipe times.
1. "He was standing within FIVE feet of me and I became alarmed" I was clearly 15 feet away.
2. "Robert Said He was reporting for MAKEACHANGE.ORG, this is when I noticed he was become more upset. " I was never upset, I answered his question politely.
3. "At this point he was preventing me from doing any investigation , it was clear he wanted my attention" Officer hill engaged me people.

Don't Take my word? Local Media Coverage

May 9th 11:31 pm . I will be releasing proof that I am innocent by posting the police reports and exposing the several provable blatant lies in the report in the days to come

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-Wanek/219332144744330 Join my facebook page to stay updated on all developments and future stories!
*READ* message to youtube, this video is completely peaceful, legal,and non violent please uphold my rights by not removing the upload. I also do not condone any hateful comments or messages.

Robert Wanek

May 9th, 3:00 pm . After having an extensive conversation with the chief of police I strongly believe he supports his oath to the u.s. constitution as he stated 'I would die for your rights young man' . I am confident that a proper and thorough investigation is under way and that in due process something will be done, the actions were not the actions of WPD or The Chief they were the actions of one man, Dustin Hill. The phone calls made to the department serve as a healthy reminder that people do care and are concerned, but at this point I don't believe any phone calls are necessary as a legitimate investigation appears to be taking place. Thanks to everyone worldwide who has questioned this cops unwarranted illegal actions!

On May 6th I began shooting film for a new video project about unwarranted raids in Wahpeton nd, I was standing on a public street filming a notorious officer (Dustin Hill) who commonly practices unwarranted searches and seizures. He asked if I 'needed something' I responded by telling him 'no, I'm just filming a story about unwarranted raids in wahpeton' . He immediately
placed me under arrest for interfering with a police investigation, or hindering as he also coined it. There was no investigation going on, he was simply talking to a citizen on public property. I was taken into an interview room where I remained cuffed for roughly an hour, I was questioned by an officer without ever being read my miranda rights while he harrassed and grilled me.
After telling him the United States Constitution gives me the right to film in public he left, he returned after a long period of time and told me to stand up so he could remove my cuffs. I was then told to grab my camera and leave, and notified that I had 'Pissed Dustin Hill Off' I was released with NO CHARGES and my parents were never notified of my detainment, this is Orwellian authoritarian tactics of detaining a minor illegally for exercising his rights to intimidate him. I'm currently looking for the most effective avenue to seek legal action against the department but I do not feel that any more phone calls will accomplish anything but if you are exercising your right to contact the department please do so RESPECTFULLY and PROFESSIONALLY .
One act of disobeying the constitution under the protection of a shiny badge, is a strike against the rights of all men and women. I hope you will all stand with me in this fight against those who seek to overstrectch the boundaries of authority.

Robert Wanek,

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