WelcomeTo My World

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Ricky Ross Blood Drive giving away Grand Prix tickets

Freeway Ricky Ross, Unity One Cornell Ward and Jazzy Management will be giving away  Grand Prix tickets in Long Beach for all blood donors during the blood drive on 8 April 10am-3:30pm. We all recognize Long Beach Memorial/Millers Children Hospital needs members of the community to sustain the blood supply that is crucial in the treatment of our young patients. The work done at this institution is inspirational to many that come through the hospital doors and interact with the children.

We invite you to attend and enjoy this event of that will benefit the children of the hospital. We wish all will also be present to... register potential life-saving marrow donors. This one-day event will collect blood products for our children who are battling life-threatening diseases like cancer.

Appreciation certificates, cookies, ice cream, tshirts and tickets to the laugh factory will be handed out to all donors. We ask that you join our "Freeway Angels" program and donate 3 more times within a a year's timeframe.

Our staff will take down your information to send reminders of the next blood donating event. We hope to see you there! Your help and support will be greatly appreciated !!1 donor can help save 3 lives.

Long Beach/Millers Children Memorial Hospital
Blood Donor Center 1st Floor

2801 Atlantic Avenue
Long Beach, CA

  • Eat a full breakfast the morning of (mandatory)
  • Bring at least 2-3 more donors to donate (optional)
  • Pictures for Media "Freeway Angels" will be taken (optional)
  • Please wear pure white Tshirt for media photo (mandatory if taking picture at 12pm)
Visit Freewayenterprise.com at: http://www.freewayenterprise.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

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