WelcomeTo My World

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Thank You Tony Papa -- The Scott Sisters Update -- New York Times Article

Tony Papa is the author of 15 To Life -- How I Painted My Way To Freedom - http://www.15yearstolife.com/
Tony is also communications specialist for Drug Policy Alliance where he continues to climb the ranks within a field that he dearly loves. Tony is responsible for getting the Scott Sisters into the New York Times after years of efforts from supporters globally.

Jim Ridgeway has recaptured the article at Mother Jones Magazine. Jim's consistent exposure to the case is priceless.
Link -- http://tiny.cc/0nc98

New York Times Op Ed Piece -- Thank you Bob Herbert -- So Utterly Inhumane

Link -- http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/12/opinion/12herbert.html?_r=1

Nancy Lockhart

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