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Friday 8 October 2010


Action Alert- Prisoners protesting abusive conditions at Huntingdon attacked by guards Submitted by andys on Thu, 10/07/2010 - 7:57p Emergency Response Network Action Alert- October 7, 2010
Prisoners at SCI Huntingdon attacked after protesting abusive conditions 
Please Call SCI Huntingdon Superintendent Raymond Lawler and DOC Secretary Shirley Moore Smeal and demand an end to food deprivation and racist discrimination against Huntingdon Prisoners in the solitary confinement units. (Vincent Hallman, Jeremiah Weems, Rhonshawn Jackson, Jamiel Johnson, Gary Wallace, Kyle Klein, Anthony Martin, Anthony Allen, Eric Mackie)
  On September 29, 8 prisoners from SCI Huntingdon planned a peaceful protest to speak out against ongoing intimidation, harassment, assault, food deprivation, and racism, racism, racism.   Jamiel Johnson wrote HRC the day after, saying he and the other prisoners need immediate help and they are fighting for their lives.   The protest consisted of 8 prisoners refusing to return to their cells after being let outside for yard.   They were issued misconduct reports and then "extracted" from their yard cages by being sprayed with chemical OC spray which affects their eyes, nose and breathing.   (YouTube OC Spray) Vincent Hallman wrote that the correctional officers carted out three canisters of spray and then just "went at them" until they folded.   While they were out in the yard, another prisoner in solitary confinement, Jeremiah Weems, was being sprayed with OC spray, extracted from his cell and taken to a restraint chair in a secluded part of the prison. The outside prisoners were brought in to medical but were not able to rinse their eyes of the blinding chemical or shower the chemicals off their person.   Jamiel Johnson reported that once the prisoners were back in their cells, the abuse continued.   The men inside their cells were sprayed and extracted, stripped, denied clothes, moved to other cells, moved back to OC cells, denied food, had the water turned off in all their cells and the air conditioning cranked up.   The crisis is ongoing. Please Call (talking points below): SCI Huntingdon- (814) 643-2400 Ask to speak to Superintendent Lawler and say you are reporting abuse. Regional Secretary Randall Britton- (717) 975-4930 Ask to speak to Randall Britton and say you are reporting abuse at SCI Huntingdon Secretary Shirley Moore Smeal (717) 975-4819 Ask to speak to Secretary Smeal and say you are reporting abuse at SCI Huntingdon. Please call SCI Huntingdon and other DOC officials and demand an end to the abuse and retaliation that has been ongoing at this institution.   Please call elected officials and media people if you have time too.   You can also write these officials if you can not make a phone call (addresses below).   You can also reply to this email with comments if you cannot respond in any other way. Talking Points for speaking to the Department of Corrections: 1)    Tell them that you heard that a bunch of prisoners at SCI Huntingdon had a protest on September 29 th as a REACTION against abusive conditions in the solitary confinement units
2)    Ask them if they know of any abuse happening to prisoners in the solitary confinement units 3)   After they say no, tell them you heard that a bunch of prisoners were losing weight and starving because they are regularly being denied food, especially last month during the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. 4)   Ask them what chemical weapon's are being sprayed on the prisoners and if there are any side effects to these chemical weapons 5) Ask them what measures are taken against guards who use racist language towards prisoners in the solitary confinement units.   Ask them if calling prisoners "monkeys" and "niggers" is acceptable professional behavior. 6) Ask them if there is someone else you can speak to, who will address the problem in a proactive way. 7) Tell them you think the prisoner's should be transferred because at this point, you do not see how they could be treated fairly Thank you for taking time to respond to this alert and raise the voices of the people inside whose human rights are being violated.
Courage and Solidarity,
HRC-Fed Up!   Address for SCI Huntingdon Superintendent Raymond Lawler 1100 Pike St Huntingdon PA   16654   Address for Randall Britton and Shirley Moore Smeal 2520 Lisburn Rd P.O. Box 598 Camp Hill PA   17001

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