WelcomeTo My World

Thursday 7 October 2010


Letter from Jalil Muntaqim:

In the meantime, I'm doing everything I humanly can to promote the 2nd edition of "We Are Our Own Liberators." Trying to make it go viral in cyber-space, so if you have any ideas to promote the book on the internet please do so. I have a copy of reviews being circulated on the internet; Workers World paper published one, Pan-African News Service picked it up, and other periodicals will place advertisements. I recently did an interview for a new hip-hop magazine called the "Corner Store" mentioning the work. My thinking is if Paterson fails to do the right thing, the book will certainly increase my base of support by my 2012 parole hearing. I'm thinking about organizing a rally at the Division of Parole in 2012 if it becomes necessary.

One of the problems I'm confronting, which seems to be endemic in the overall movement is the level of "liberalism" infecting the progressive community. I'm really thinking about writing an overall criticism of the entire movement (what is supposed to be a movement). This anemic determination to challenge the system has essentially given the right-wing the overwhelming advantage to shape and mold public opinion to create an environment to usher overt fascism. A neo-Christian nationalist fascism is being formed with all of the trappings reminiscent of the advent of Nazi Germany.

But what is fundamental to the existence of "liberalism" in the "left" is this growing visceral opposition to any degree of militancy. It seems the progressive community has been cowered into a permanent state of passive resistance. A defensive posture bordering on cowardice in the face of reactionary racist marching to a tune of jingoism and xenophobia… So as you can tell, I'm extremely dissatisfied with the "left" total existence and capitulation to reformism.

Recently I have been in discussion with folks about initiating a two-pronged national strategy with the overall objective to restore a militant determination in the movement. The first prong, a national signature petition campaign calling for the Reopening of COINTELPRO Hearings. This initiative will be for all of 2011, with the goal of collecting 250,000 signatures in such time. Obviously, for this to be successful all activists who claim to support U.S. PP/POWs will need to join and hit the bricks and talk up COINTELPRO, PPs and get signatures… This would essentially be a national consciousness-raising campaign on our issue, up close and in person, with "the people," to gain their support and signatures; the second prong—a national mobilization to submit the signature petition demanding Reopening COINTELPRO Hearing and Amnesty for U.S. PP/POWs in D.C. during Spring Break 2012. The signature petition will be given directly to the CBC (John Conyers) and Obama's White House. After the submission in a rally participating activists will be instructed to return to their home state to challenge candidates during fundraising, town hall meetings, debates, etc. on our issue. In this way, our task/goal is to ensure our issue is raised onto the national debate during the election year of 2012.

I'm confident that the 20 month campaign could have tremendous impact to resurrect a militant national determination, raising both national and international consciousness on the existence of U.S. PP/POWs and their fight to demand amnesty. This is a win-win strategic proposition. Of course, Claude Marks/ Freedom Archives documentary "COINTELPRO 101" could prove extremely instrumental in being a catalyst, inspiring and giving additional political support to the national campaign.

Revolutionary love and unity,
Jalil Muntaqim
Auburn Correctional Facility

A revolution now cannot be confined to the place or people where it may commence, but flashes with lightning speed from heart to heart, from land to land, til it has traversed the globe ...
--Frederick Douglass

Free All Political Prisoners!

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