WelcomeTo My World

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Just Us

by Sondra Dillard Humphrey on Monday, 11 October 2010 at 16:02
PLEASE NOTE:  I can not take credit for this writing for I did not write.  It was sent to me by someone with far more knowledge than I.  However, I was asked to share it and I am honoring that request out of respect for this individual due to the insight that I feel they've put into this writing.  If you agree with this, please feel free to tag yourself in this note.  If you've been affected by the system, feel free to tag yourself.  There were many that I could have added myself but I wanted to leave it up to each of you individually to add yourself if you want.

Modern Day Slavery

            To Americans everywhere: My name is not important, but for the sake of recognition you may call me Kunta Kinte', for I am an (M.D.O.C.) Mississippi Department of Corrections slave. I'm an adult male of sound mind and body. According to any and all applicable assessments my IQ is operating on a level that far exceeds average.  I am an ordained minister. Servant of the most high God. A family man and father. A man who, before my abduction by the "Just Us" system was a real estate investor, entrepreneur, law abiding, taxpaying citizen. A man with no prior felony convictions of any sort, (violent or nonviolent). A man whose Mayor and Police Chief as well as firemen, pastors, councilmen and church saints have all supported through my abduction and subsequent enslavement. I write this article not that it may merely serve as an avenue for me to escape the harsh and brutal hand of the slave master, but that it might wake up the slumbering eyelids of misinformed Americans across this country, prayerfully awakening them to the absolute truths about Modern day Slavery[1] and Genocide[2].
          This article is in no way intended to promote propaganda, ideologies, vain opinions or the alike. On the contrary, its intentions are to bring forth uncompromising reality through indisputable facts and truth. In order to genuinely accomplish this goal, let us start by defining each term and making a rational determination of whether it directly applies to our "Just Us" system. Slavery is the submission to a dominating influence and the state of a person who is held in servitude as property of another. The "Just Us" system particularly M.D.O.C. and Mississippi’s system of law fits this definition perfectly. A Mississippi Department of Correction Prisoner (M.D.O.C. convict) is in slavery by definition. Just as Israel before the Exodus, Jews during the Holocaust or African Americans before the Civil War. Prisoners, like the slaves of the past, are in Bondage[3] through Oppression[4 by a Cruel[5] and Inhuman[6] system of "Just Us". Prisoners are housed, stacked on top of each other in tin warehouses with little ventilation, no air conditioning, in 100° plus temperatures, given only enough food (slop) to stay alive. Constantly burdened by mandatory free labor. Everything from harvesting fields under inhumane conditions to working in prison sweat shop style factories. All the way to shining the task-masters boots! Prisoners are separated from family and society for ridiculous amounts of time. They are physically, mentally, spiritually, and sexually abused by staff as well as fellow inmates. Just think about the degrading nature of having a stranger of the opposite sex watching you at some of your most private moments. Like while you shower, urinate or even as you wipe yourself after a bowel movement! Does this sound gross and degrading? It's only the tip of the iceberg. If I go on I could bring any spirit filled compassionate person to their knees in tears with the horrific accounts of men being handcuffed or hog tied and beaten unmercifully by prison staff. What about men crying like newborn babies while being raped, tortured and sodomized with a broom handle? Men doing battle like gladiators, stabbing each other with knives, spears, and shanks at the request of the staff or by the demons within those particular men.
          Young men with no direction or guidance poured into a system with the kind of time that a dinosaur couldn't do. Only to be turned out or turned on to gangs, violence, homosexuality, and sexual immorality. What about a place where right becomes wrong and wrong is the only way allowed? For example; what would be considered the right way for a 14 year old Joe Harris Jr. (who was given 145 years) to grow up and express his God given sexuality? Whatever your response is, it's not the answer for the person enslaved by M.D.O.C. His options consist of immoral practices with prostitute female staff members, homosexuality, habitual masturbation, sexual immorality or abstinence, which only leads to frustration, bad attitudes and violence. Although very rarely, but on occasion prisoners marry while incarcerated. These unions are highly unsuccessful because of obvious reasons. OK! OK! So that I don't have to get more explicit or in depth, can we stipulate to the fact that prison is a cruel manmade institution that oppresses and enslaves its occupants? If you can’t make that stipulation you are either ignorant to the truth, ungodly and un-concerned, or mislead and misinformed!  I like to think for most it’s the latter. Don't get caught up in the ideology that prison is the cupcake camp that Martha Stewart spent a few months at. The harsh truth is quite the opposite. For God's sake a prisoner had a loaded semi automatic hand gun in a super maximum security prison (unit 32 Parchman '07). So what shall our viewpoint be in this matter? Should we take the sinister easy road like most by assuming that the nearly 23,000 men, women, and yes children prisoners are all deserving of bondage, cruelty, and enslavement? Are they all the scum of the earth the refuse of the world? Only fit to be enslaved and condemned in a manmade hell until the Creator gets his hands on them? Even if this was true, the condemnation and systematic annihilation of any racial, political, or cultural group constitutes Genocide. For the record I am in no way advocating for the baby raping, senior robbing, murderous low life who prays on the innocent and weak. These types of habitual crime committing "Monsters" need to be incarcerated and watched.  The problem is that these "Monsters" (whom are less likely to be rehabilitated) make up a minority proportion of the 23,000 M.D.O.C. slaves. So who are the others? The others are our families, our kids, and what should be our future. Kids who are not old enough to drink, (age 21) buy tobacco (age 18), get a job (age 16) or even a learner’s permit, (age 14) are being given adult charges, adult indictments, adult convictions, and dinosaur sentences. Teenagers and young adults (mostly black males) are being incarcerated at rates that exceed release rates. What is the obvious outcome of this equation? 60 years for marijuana! The same marijuana that president Clinton smoked (but didn’t inhale)? The marijuana that over half of Mississippians want to see legalized. That 1 in 8 adults admit to smoking? Dinosaur time for one $20 cocaine rock? The same rocks mayor Barry was smoking in the nation’s capitol? O.K. what about violence? Are all convicted of murder violent “Monsters”? Almost all homicides (killings) whether lawful or unlawful are charged and indicted as murders.  The problem with this is that murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, with such elements as malice, aforethought, deliberate design, premeditation...These charges should be reserved for those heinous crimes that meet or exceed those elements. Unfortunately it’s often used in Mississippi's "Just Us" system as a negotiating tool to gain leverage over individuals for the sake of ensuring a conviction through plea bargaining of a lesser charge such as manslaughter. This is how it goes; they charge you with murder for what was obviously a manslaughter or possibly justifiable homicide (self defense) from the start. Manipulate you through fear of receiving a life sentence (no parole) into a plea bargain on a lesser charge. This makes for a high conviction rates without spending money on trials. The problem is that 10-20 years on reduced charges is a gift to a career criminal, but to the non criminal, 20 years of enslavement is not an option. Since you wouldn’t take the plea, they’re going to work extra hard to fabricate a conviction and throw the book at innocent people and/or first time offender. Then they lie to the public like this was a necessary actions to keep this person from killing off the world. For example; Cassandra Younger, 6 months pregnant and mother of 4 girls was (according to witnesses), verbally threatened and attacked by a co-worker with a loaded handgun. In an attempt to expel the attack against her and her unborn child, Younger (who’s second job was as a security guard), pulled her post pistol and shoots her attacker once. Despite eyewitness testimony that Younger was under attack and not the aggressor, despite police immediately finding the co-workers loaded gun, despite the fact that neither lady was accused of leaving the scene to arm themselves. One isolated, spontaneous action by a pregnant mother to defend her and her unborn child from an aggressive pistol packing co-worker who had went off the deep end. Nevertheless, when Younger refused a plea for a few years, asserting her innocence. She was tried not once, but twice and ultimately given life (no parole). What about the young ladies Gladys & Jamie Scott who were tried and convicted of armed robbery in the theft of $11.00? These very young mothers were given two consecutive life sentences each, even though they reportedly played no part in the actual robbery. Where no violence took place and no one was hurt. What about a man robbed at gunpoint in his own home in front of his family? A man that knew his attacker and his extremely violent ways. What if the robber was recently out of prison where he served time for a machine gun shooting? What if the man and his family filed armed robbery charges and a restraining order against the robber? What if the robber gets out of jail on an illegal bond, facing a life sentence for the robbery; and with an entourage of armed men attack the same man for the second time, and is himself shot and killed. What if the man who shot the robber has no priors and immediately asserts his claim of self defense? I’ll tell you the answer to all these questions. After refusing the plea attempts, life (no parole). Now lets flip the coin and look at the “Just Us” system from the other side. Sherrod Moore was charged with two counts of capital murder in the shooting deaths of a couple at the Morocco Club. Also accused of killing J.P.D. Officer Robert Washington. Also accused in the execution style murders of 4 men, one being the key witness against him in the Morocco slaying. Moore served 12 years on a plea agreement admitting to slaying the Morocco couple. Remember Albert “Batman” Donaldson and the Wood Street Players, who carried out an Al Capone style hit on Aaron Crockett shooting him a record amount of times. All this on a public street, in broad daylight in front of his kid and female passenger. The execution was reportedly ordered by Donaldson in order to stop Crockett’s testimony about Donaldson shooting him on a prior occasion inside a crowded night club. This same group of men under Donaldson’s leadership is accused of murdering Harrison Hilliard, Keyon Perry, and at least five others. Informants within the Wood Street Gang admitted to their involvement as well as the involvement of others in several of these murders. Although these murders involved dozens of men, masterminds and henchmen, guess how many where convicted of murder in any of these cases? You guessed right, not one person was convicted of murder in any of these cases! Donaldson took a plea for being a felon with a firearm and received a couple of years. Through shady deals and plea agreements all parties some admittedly involved were granted immunity, acquitted, or given extremely light sentences on reduced charges. I guess all the life sentences were reserved for Cassandra Younger, Kennedy Brewer, Jamie & Gladys Scott, Thalia Outlaw and for all the innocent and undeserving! I could go on forever about how armed robbing, mass murdering, habitual criminals go home through shady deals, while our future, families, and the undeserving are being enslaved in our “Just Us” system! Any system that is to administer true “Justice” must have a high level of integrity. Let’s see if our system has that integrity. Hinds County Judge Bobby Delaughter is crooked, taking bribes, being influenced to make favorable judgments, and lying about all of it. No integrity! Former District Attorney and prominent defense attorney Ed Peterson is crooked. He accepted a million dollar bribe to influence a judge, among other things. After being exposed he told on everyone. I guess there is no honor among thieves! What about Dr. Steven Haynes? This guy is a work of art. He’s performing 10 times the recommended amount of autopsies. He’s lying about everything from his field of expertise to testimony in individual trials. In one case to bolster the states theory that two people fired one fatal shot, Haynes testified that he could tell by the trajectory of the bullet that 2 different people was simultaneously holding the gun at the time of the fatal shot. Wow! This guy gets $500 per trial to testify on behalf of the state, and will say anything to corroborate the states versions of a case. He does all this while under oath to tell the truth. It would take a whole book to tell about Eleanor Faye Peterson, Rebecca Wooten Mansell and Hinds county former District Attorneys, but if you do a little behind the scenes investigating you’ll discover that these very individuals are behind most of the injustices mentioned in this article. These people and others like them have presided over thousands of cases resulting in thousands of convictions and have handed out tens of thousands of years of incarceration! If you have a crooked judge, bogus prosecutor, paid lying witnesses, and shady defense attorneys, you can obtain a conviction against JESUS CHRIST! While acquitting Satan! Think about it. Isn’t that how CHRIST was charged, tried and condemned (convicted) on the cross? So what happens to the thousands enslaved at the hands of these (“White Collar Monsters”)? Even though the injustices and lack of integrity of these people has been exposed; the enslaved, our family and kids remain oppressed. Do you think convicted felon Bobby Delaughter will spend the next 20 to 60 years in unit 32 in Mississippi State Penitentry at Parchmen, being raped, beaten, sodomized and oppressed?  Of course not! Few months in a cupcake camp then off on vacation to spend some bribe money. As for the other (“White Collar Monsters”) some lose their license, others resign or aren’t re-elected. Some are even convicted and sent to camp but most are still there enslaving. You call it. Is this “Justice[7] (the conformity to truth, fact, reason or correctness; impartiality or righteousness) or is it “Just Us” the people needing to make a stand for the sake of true “Justice”. Let us remember the consequences that history teaches about a people who won’t stand for righteousness in the face of injustice. Over 2 million Israelites oppressed and enslaved in Egypt! Approximately 6 million Jews slaughtered during the Holocaust. A countless amount of Blacks lynched, beaten and oppressed during the Civil Rights Era. Men even slumbered at the crucifixion of the CHRIST! My final appeal to my fellow Americans is this. l in every 21 black men is incarcerated while 1 in every 138 white men is incarcerated. Nearly 80% of all homicide victims are male. Even though blacks are by far the minority, black males are 6.6 times more likely to be incarcerated (enslaved) then white males. Over 40% of black homes without a male are below poverty level. Mississippi has the 2nd highest sentenced prisoner rate in the nation. The south has 8 of the states in the top ten in this category. Southern states nearly double the states of any other U.S. region for incarcerated (enslaved) people. Mississippi has the 3rd highest increase of incarcerated (enslaved) people. I wonder why the dirty slave loving south is leading the whole nation in the enslavement rates of human beings. The truth is that this is a very old concept being re-executed in a very modern way. Wake up America! Is this merely Justice against criminals? Of course not! According to statistics more prisoners doesn’t mean less crime. In 2007 our country “The Land of the Free” executed 42 people on death row, while freeing 44 others from this condemned state. For every one condemned there is one freed. Is that really Justice? If you don’t believe the facts in this article, then ask Kennedy Brewer one of the few who made it out from under the crooked judges, bogus prosecutors, lying witnesses and shady defense attorneys in time to save his life (more than 15 years later). Ask Jamie & Gladys Scott how it feels to have a life threatening disease and be denied medical attention while someone plays politics with your life. Or ask Cassandra Younger what it’s like to actually be innocent, but yet rotting in a prison with no end in sight. Maybe we’ll ask her five daughters what life has been like without their mom. You can even ask me Kunta Kinte. The best way to destroy or neutralize a people is to adversely affect their ability to reproduce. This is not just a black issue but a human issue. If you think that this is not the most important issue in America today remember this, the greatest thing the devil has ever done was make people believe that he didn’t exist!
          This article was written to awaken and address truth not to burden anyone. The men and women spoken of in this article had no collaboration with its author in any form. Names and specific details of individuals or situations were only used to bring uncut truth to the topic. If you would like to know more about any portion of this article, or if you are a church, advocacy group, attorney with integrity or concerned individual. Please contact “Free the Slaves” Ministry P.O. Box 161 Bolton, MS 39041, or freetheslave2010@hotmail.com. Like Lincoln, will Obama free the slaves? Rev. Al Sharpton do you have an “I Have a Dream” speech? Because we certainly need it! Truth In Sentencing laws (T.I.S.) is a form of enslaving the people.
          Gov. Haley Barbour called for the release of several thousand prisoners due to budget cuts. He also told the public not to be alarmed because these were non violent inmates who could be trusted to house arrest, parole, and other forms of probation. Question; were not these thousands of men fit for these programs and society before budget cuts? So we admit that we are housing humans that are ready and fit for society. I wonder how many more thousands are ready and fit. The state of Mississippi would rather spend $40,000 a year (per inmate) to enslave our children rather then educate them! Every high school graduate could get a couple of free semesters at Harvard if they would stop housing the thousands of people that are ready willing and fit for society. But who’s going to listen to me? I’m just a Negro slave with one foot! Please help us. Kunta Kinte’.

[1]Slavery: is the submission to a dominating influence and the state of a person who is held in servitude as property of another.
[2]Genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
[3] Bondage: servitude or subjugation to a controlling force or person.
[4] Oppression: to crush or burden by abuse of power or authority.
[5] Cruel: disposed to inflict pain or suffering: devoid of humane feelings. Causing or conducive to injury grief or pain, unrelieved by leniency.
[6] Inhuman: lacking pity, kindness or mercy: salvage, cold, impersonal: not worthy of or conforming to the needs of human beings.
[7] Justice: the conformity to truth, fact, reason or correctness; impartiality or righteousness.

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