WelcomeTo My World

Wednesday 15 February 2012


Today I sit, waiting in anticipation of my fate from the kidnapping two decades ago as a youth in the inner city of Los Angeles. In the clutches of the injustice, I struggle to prove my wrongful conviction as so many before me. I urge you to commit yourself to the truth and allow me to be free first in your mind and second in my life.
I the only child of a mother who waits my return so diligently. Tears swell in her eyes as I absorb them in my pain of confinement. I have come to accept that my youth has been taken however I am not willing to accept that my life too will also be taken. I will fight and must fight to ensure that justice denied will no longer be a part of my life. With the strength I receive from God, family and devoted friends I lift my eyes each morning believing in the Faith that the TRUTH will set me free. I have been here, in the belly of the beast, far too long and through the dedication of all who know I am able to be free for those moments that I hear their voice, read their mail or receive a much needed visit.
My arms outstretch this nation of kindness and request that a moment of your time will enable me to live another day with hope. My calendar is open. Would you like to take a day? If so please write and encourage me. Your thoughts are deeply appreciated and greatly needed.
By birth, not choice…Free Ase/Uno

Keith Fudge #D-73801
San Quentin, 3-EB-100
PO Box D-73801
San Quentin, CA 94974 USA

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