WelcomeTo My World

Saturday 22 October 2011

Judged Men Biz Proposal

The Judged Men Biz Alliance, is a developing re-entry program, that is designed to fight recidivism and break the chains of incarceration and crime that grip many communities. The logic and criteria of this program was developed by those within incarceration in Federal Facilities and the Founder of the Judged Men Alliance.
This re-entry program is designed to give those within incarceration upon re-entry, the chance to continue to make their atonements to society by redeveloping their neighborhoods and communities and become productive and positive members of society.
The program was designed for those neighborhoods and environments that are considered economically and criminally dysfunctional. Districts and areas considered “No Man’s Land”, unfavorable to Corporate and Industrial Development. In other words those neighborhoods which have become a shell of a productive and financially contributing community within society.
The logic and theories behind this program were developed by members of these societies, who have become either a product of the elements within their environments or were a contributing factor in the down fall of the community in question.
The foundation of this program is taking the elements of returning ex-felons who want to continue to make their atonements to society, by reconstructing these environments and becoming positive figures, by contributing to the economics and social realms of the community. It is based on economic development with the redevelopment of shells of business structures which lay empty, under a plan based on the theories and logic of “land contract” and “co-ops”, the opportunity to restore a positive environment and economy to the neighborhood.
It is based on “Mon and Pop” turnkey businesses, along with small contractual start ups within the self-employed business realms. For instances, small neighborhood corner groceries again, meat markets, diners, arts, music, hair, etc….along with roofing, painting, handyman, remodeling, lawn and gardening etc…it is a known fact in the economical infrastructure of the latest financial crunch that these small mom and pop business and contractoral businesses are the only ones surviving due to the low over head and maintenance required.
The individuals within the program after a five-seven year period of time based on the type of business selected within the community would have the opportunity to have something shown for their time and rehabilitative efforts within society. The first two years of the program is a rigorous regimen at the request of the offenders within the development of this program. The last three to five years, is an ongoing contributing factor to the community at re-establishing positive role models, pride, social education and unity within the community. In other words to restore and confirm the roots and heritage of the neighborhood once more, by becoming positive individuals within the realms of our environments.
The first year of participation involves the following criteria from ex-felons chosen for this program. The requirements for participation are: Ex-felons who have been within incarceration for longer than five years….are considered high risk of re-offending, have a family of their own or are from areas of a like environment, in other words, “street wise”. They will be chosen in regards to their efforts within incarceration of rehabilitative atonements, conditioning, priorities and mental frame or mind set, the will to be positive and productive in these realms and environments.
The following criteria must be met for participation:
For the first year of involvement and participation:
Urinary test once a month upon request in addition to any parole testing.
They must meet bi-monthly for support with other members to discuss personal and community issues within the neighborhood.
Once per month if they are married or have a significant other they must agree to meet as a family unit with other family units for support and education on social topics and community issues which encompass their lives.
They must be co-operative and attentive with such individuals assisting them with the running of their business, the first two years of participation they will receive help and guidance from such individuals as other business men, Score, Better Business Bureaus, Green Thumb, etc. They will be given assistance in regards to business mgmt, marketing, accounting and advertising.
If they feel that they need assistance for a longer period of time, those accommodations will be met and discussed based on the individuals efforts.
After a six month period of time they will be required to participate in the Judged Men Alliance Community Project, by taking on the role of a mentor to the youth or community pride. This will be done through sponsoring youth sport teams, seminars for the benefit of the community, social functions, education and beautification. We ask that they donate 4 hrs a week to these efforts and endeavors.
They will also be asked to become involved in community and city politics by becoming active in issues which pertain to their neighborhoods and businesses, or for the “whole” of the social realm within their environment. This commitment to the community will last for the duration of their participation with the Judged Men Biz Alliance. We will also be doing several fund raising activities through the year to sponsor our neighborhood gatherings which are created to bring the community together to discuss issues which are within our realms of social and financial importance, and to enjoy the fruition of our efforts with them.
The following logic and theories have been indoctrinated by the founder of the Judged Men Alliance by speaking with individuals within the realms of impoverished neighborhoods, districts and communities throughout the US and with ensuing written and telephone communication with men within incarceration who are aiding the Judged Men Alliance with knowledge, wisdom and experience.
As I visited neighborhoods and communities, spoke directly to the residents about the development of my program, I learned that people were not only receptive to the program, but waiting for “the white woman with soul” to implement the program and bring once again pride and hope into their neighborhoods.
Due to the rate of male incarceration within these communities, the lack of economical potential for the youth and young individuals within these communities and “hoods”, I found them left with great burdens of financial responsibility and life, with the two most vulnerable classes within society remaining, the very young and the elderly. I not only found grandparents raising grandchildren, but in some instances, great-grandchildren as well.
Upon approaching these residents they told me they didn’t care if the men were ex-felons or not, if they would come back and clean up the mess that was created. They’re tired, weary, looking for some strength, hope, direction and someone else to carry the strifes. They’re tired of going to the corner stores blocks away and not being able to ask what they’re looking for and need, due to the fact that the individual doesn’t speak English and can’t understand them. At present they either have to ride buses for a couple of hours to make their purchases, which taxes them physically, or rely on others within their community to attain the items they need.
The comments, of “perhaps they’ll listen to someone who has been there, has done their bid, would be alright, they pay no attention to me”, was voiced when community mentoring and pride were discussed.
Many of these felons within the program could contribute their experiences and atonements, knowledge and wisdom in efforts of crime prevention within the communities. A felon who has been down for long, cold hard time, will be less likely at facing the prospects of having their property robbed, or the ramifications of strong arming that often take place within these environments. I had one woman tell me, “Lady, if you can do this, I’ll spend every dime at those places, I hate riding the buses, my young’uns give them any trouble, I’ll powder their backsides.”
As far as the individuals and the mentality of those who participate. Most of their lives they lived within dysfunctional families and environments, they constantly had the eyes of the community, law enforcement and the judgments of society placed upon them, leading to consuming the negativity encompassing their lives. This point in time with their atonements, community involvement, positive portraits to society and reconstructive efforts within the community, will now have their eyes on the community as they will now have a piece of the neighborhood and something left standing to show for their time and sacrifices.
Any individual who finds himself slipping or reverting to the paths of yesterday, if they come to the Alliance with the issue, they will be given counseling to combat and rectify the condition. Any individual who does not seek assistance from the Alliance and receives a dirty UA, will be put on a probationary period….Any member while participating in the program who repeats an offense or commits another felony, will lose all claim to their biz, time, and ties with the Judged Men Alliance and another ex-felon will be sought to take over the existing biz.
This program is not a reward for those within society who have committed felonious offenses. It was designed to rebuild and reconstruct communities ravished by economics and crime. I believe that history repeats itself, I used this philosophy within this program, believing the same elements which once carved a nation out of a wilderness,…can also carve a productive community out of a wasteland or “No Mans Land”.
Judged Men Alliance
posted by Lady Gray

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