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Friday, 29 April 2016

Fernando Bermudez Full Interview #FernandoBermudez #stopwrongfulconvictions

Marcus talks to Fernando Bermudez who was imprisoned for murder for 18 years, then later found innocent. He shares his prison experience and how he would prevent this from happening to someone else. This is an extended version of an interview for the MH Reports news program.

I Lost 18 Years Of My Life After I Was Wrongly Convicted Of A Crime

Fernando Bermudez Declared Innocent of Murder ...

Fernando Bermudez, NYC man imprisoned for 18 years ...

Fernando Bermudez gets $4.75M from state 5 years after ...

Fernando Bermudez is a New York City resident who was convicted, and later acquitted, in 1992 of murdering a teenage boy in New York City's Greenwich Village neighborhood. He is currently a guest speaker for the Innocence Project. Wikipedia
Born: February 13, 1969 (age 47)

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Parole Letters Needed for Robert Seth Hayes and Jalil Muntaqim PLEASE POST AND SPREAD WIDELY!!


Robert Seth Hayes
2016 Parole Campaign

Once again, we are preparing for Seth's upcoming parole hearing on June 7, 2016. Since the PBA, the FOP, and the Correctional Officers union are able to collect thousands of signatures against parole, we must work to gain as many signatures and letters of support for Seth as possible. In addition to the online petition, there is a hard copy that can be downloaded here. Since many members of our community do not have regular access to the internet, it is important to use the hard copy and return it to us.
You can also download and print out theparole campaign brochure explaining Seth's case as a way of educating people about the political nature of the case and the parole board's constant denials despite national and international support for Seth's release on parole. 

Sign the online petition to Tina M. Stanford,
Chairwoman of the NYS Board of Parole,
for Seth's Release on Parole in 2016!

Seth has also prepared a fact sheet for those who would like to write letters to the Parole Board on his behalf.
Write to Seth:
Robert Seth Hayes #74-A-2280
Sullivan Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 116, Fallsburg, NY 12733-0116
To contribute to ongoing efforts supporting Robert Seth Hayes, please donate online at: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/810a58


Jalil Muntaqim 2016 Parole Hearing

Once again, we are preparing for Jalil's upcoming parole hearing on June 14, 2016. Since the PBA, the FOP, and the Correctional Officers union are able to collect thousands of signatures against parole, we must work to gain as many signatures and letters of support for Jalil as possible. In addition to the online petition, there is a hard copy that can be downloadedhere. Since many members of our community do not have regular access to the internet, it is important to use the hard copy and return it to us.

You can also download and print out the parole campaign brochureexplaining Jalil's case as a way of educating people about the political nature of the case and the parole board's constant denials despite national and international support for Jalil's release on parole.


Jalil has also prepared a fact sheet for those who would like to write letters to the Parole Board on his behalf.

Sign the online petition to Tina M. Stanford,
Chairwoman of the NYS Board of Parole,
for Jalil's Release on Parole in 2016!

Write to Jalil:
Anthony J. Bottom #77A4283
Attica Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 149
Attica, NY 14011-0149 


Deadlines are fast approaching for letters and petitions to the board. The lawyers would like to have these a month ahead of time. This means May 7th for Seth and May 14th for Jalil.

Please go to www.jerichony.org and www.freejalil.com for more information.
Click on the fact sheet links above to make sure you have the correct addresses for Eve Rosahn (for Seth) and the Parole Preparation Project (for Jalil)


Wednesday, 27 April 2016

What Prison is Like for Davontae in Maximum Security #DavontaeSanford #stopwrongfulconvictions

2 men burst into a house in a Detroit neighborhood where 4 men were watching Monday Night Football and shot them all to death. When the police arrived to begin their investigation, they saw 14 year old Davontae Sanford in his pajamas in the crowd of people wondering why the cops were there. They pinned the murders on him and he's serving 40 years in maximum security prison. Help us free him by sharing this video. Another man confessed to the murders 6 years ago and led police to the murder weapon. For Davontae to still be in prison is unconscionable. Join us in our efforts to free this innocent young man. In this video, Valerie Newman tells what life is like for Davontae in prison. It is very difficult. Share this video so others will know and the pressure on these corrupt cops and prosecutors will increase to the point where they can't cover it up any longer. 

Scroll down for the links to friend Davontae on facebook, friend his mom and send her your best wishes and click on the link to sign the petition to draw attention to this injustice.




Write to Davontae in Prison
Inmate #684070
Marquette Branch Prison-1960 U.S.Hwy 41 South -Marquette,Mi-49855 pleasewrite&showsupport

The Bride Behind the Altar

The issue of mandatory celibacy imposed by the Catholic Church is a highly sensitive matter for the Vatican. In fact this issue is considered taboo. 
Paradoxically, it is easier to talk about child abuse and finances, topics considered "less dangerous".

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Central Park 5: #EndNyWrongfulConviction

Members of the Central Park Five, who as teenagers were wrongfully convicted of a 1989 rape due to false confession, have launched the#EndNYWrongfulConviction with the Innocence Project in an effort to move long-stalled state legislation that would prevent the top contributors to wrongful conviction in New York State: false confession and misidentification. In a series of short videos produced by award-winning filmmaker Sarah Burns, Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson and Raymond Santana, of the Central Park 5, call for the passage of a bill that would require police to record interrogations and implement eyewitness identification reform.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

4/20 Message to Marijuana Enthusiasts

Subscribe: http://youtube.com/DISLautomatic
Check out "War on Drugs is a War on Us": https://youtu.be/mwKDWNYOTW0

See Beyond The Veil Art: http://instagram.com/seebeyondtheveilart

Sign up to the mailing list at http://DISLautomatic.com




Official "Get BIG On 'Em" merchandise available at http://GetBIGonEm.com

Official "Power To The People" merchandise available at http://DISLautomatic.com/store
Links for more info on the unjust, failed war on drugs:
American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut https://youtu.be/6CyuBuT_7I4

The war on drugs is a war on you (Part one) - Truthloader https://youtu.be/gNy3WdqweiA

The war on drugs is a war on you (part two) - Truthloader https://youtu.be/MyV8oEwYVVw

Ethan Nadelmann: The War on Drugs is Racist https://youtu.be/wONAqaxgIoo


How The War On Drugs Betrayed America https://youtu.be/oAKYpZ8Cc4k

War On Drugs_ The Prison Industrial Complex.flv https://youtu.be/ASOqIxXbvCU

Judge Jim Gray on The Six Groups Who Benefit From Drug Prohibition https://youtu.be/b6t1EM4Onao

Ethan Nadelmann: Why we need to end the War on Drugs https://youtu.be/uWfLwKH_Eko

What Will It Take To End the War on Drugs? Johann Hari | #GRITtv https://youtu.be/7Uof6rCtl9o

Private prisons: How US corporations make money out of locking you up https://youtu.be/hQxtRcfBIXY

Retired Police Captain demolishes the War on Drugs https://youtu.be/W8yYJ_oV6xk

The Beginning of the End of War on Drugs? https://youtu.be/6JNXboWtZdU

THE NEW JIM CROW Online documentary https://youtu.be/McZOXzlnC2U

Slavery and the Prison Industrial Complex - Angela Davis https://youtu.be/yQ2cC7LHMxA

Hip-Hop Documentary: Rap, Prison & Economics (1 of 2) https://youtu.be/w9sgSvBT7Dk

Hip-Hop Documentary: Rap, Prison & Economics (2 of 2) https://youtu.be/ZRdSvdh-ULI

Sunday, 17 April 2016

"Revolutionary Hip Hop" by DISL Automatic

Subscribe: http://youtube.com/DISLautomatic

Snippet from "REVOLTA feat. DISL Automatic - Rap je naÅ¡e zbraň (prod. Revolta)": https://youtu.be/6S9AruXxub8

Sign up to the mailing list at http://DISLautomatic.com




Official "Get BIG On 'Em" merchandise available at http://GetBIGonEm.com

Official "Power To The People" merchandise available at http://DISLautomatic.com/store
Links to videos with good information on the current state of the world, political and social issues, to be used as starting points for further research
The Power Principle Full Length Documentary: https://youtu.be/r5If2YaLtX4

The Corporation: https://youtu.be/Z4ou9rOssPg

The Story of Your Enslavement: https://youtu.be/Xbp6umQT58A

Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism: https://youtu.be/hA736oK9FPg

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?: https://youtu.be/lEV5AFFcZ-s

KYMATICA Spiritual Awakening: https://youtu.be/kUX6IE623cY

The Awakening: https://youtu.be/T8oBhEMOX6Q

Revolution: An Instruction Manual: https://youtu.be/8Zq4f6WYmHU

Food Inc: https://youtu.be/uMVdrEo5130

Seeds Of Death GMO's EXPOSED: https://youtu.be/dKXqiS7PILs

DISL Automatic - War On Drugs Is A War On Us - with links in info section to many sources on the topic of the injustice and corruption involved in the drug war: https://youtu.be/mwKDWNYOTW0
Information on Veganism and Animal Agriculture/Products:
Melanie Joy - Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat: https://youtu.be/7vWbV9FPo_Q

101 - Reasons to Go Vegan - Presentation: https://youtu.be/W4HJcq8qHAY

Earthlings: https://youtu.be/PB_ZMiYy_OQ

Cowspiracy: https://www.solarmovie.is/watch-cowsp... or watch on NETFLIX

Forks Over Knives:https://www.solarmovie.is/watch-forks... or watch on NETFLIX

"Why Vegan? Best Speech You Will Ever Hear" by Gary Yourofsky: https://youtu.be/es6U00LMmC4

Global Warming: MEAT THE TRUTH documentary (HD, full length • 4 subtitles): https://youtu.be/2uTJsZrX2wI

Muzzling a Movement: The Effects of Anti-Terrorism Law, Money, and Politics on Animal Activism: http://www.amazon.com/Muzzling-Moveme... 

Muzzling a Movement (Part One): https://youtu.be/Teb5A08o5-Q

Muzzling a Movement (Part Two): https://youtu.be/Mel4tKazkmk

Making the Connection - Why Vegan? PART 1: https://youtu.be/CnlVS3sw_-s

Making the Connection - Why Vegan? PART 2: https://youtu.be/rmMMm2Vh8YQ

What Is Veganism? [After Watching This You Will Go Vegan]: https://youtu.be/sepObR6pL1Y

Talk - Howard Lyman - Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat: https://youtu.be/ZCMWctmCCqU

Animal Protein -- Meat and Dairy -- Cause Cancer: https://youtu.be/yfsT-qYeqGM

The Starch Solution - John McDougall MD: https://youtu.be/4XVf36nwraw

Animal Protein "Turns On" Cancer Genes - T. Colin Campbell PhD: https://youtu.be/mguepudBoYA

The China Study: http://www.amazon.com/The-China-Study...

Documentary On Leading Causes Of Death - Delay Death With Veganism: https://youtu.be/ke2LtkDXZrI

Lifestyle Medicine: https://youtu.be/QDLOf9A4J6I

40 Year Vegan Dies of a Heart Attack! Why? The Omega-3 and B12 Myth with Dr. Michael Greger: https://youtu.be/q7KeRwdIH04

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar -- Physically Addictive: https://youtu.be/5VWi6dXCT7I

The Myth of Sustainable Meat: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/13/opi...

Sunday, 10 April 2016

WaveOfActionUK #Gs4thJuly General Strike

We are wave of action UK, we are calling out to you the people of the United Kingdom.

The time has come to stand together against austerity and the destruction of the working classes. The time to call for a general strike. 

NHS staff Doctors 
Steel workers 
Tube workers 
Council staff 
Refuse collectors
Workers of the united kingdom
Struggling families
The sick and the disabled

It is time to Fight against the growing austerity and deadly cuts we face, to unite and stand agianst
tax avasion, 
tax credit cuts, 
disability cuts, 
pensions being raided, 
low wages, 
zero hours, 
staff shortages. 

Join us in calling for a general strike... contact unions, activist groups, mps, friends and family, ask them to join us, the people in calling for a general strike 4th of July 2016. Sign our petition online to send a letter to unions and people's assembly and keep building the pressure. SO far over 10,000 peoples have signed and still all but two of the unions and the peoples assembly have failed to respond. 

Get local, get organised, get involved!!! Wave of action uk has decided to host events along with many other groups to support a general strike on July 4th, we have created an event for every City in the UK. We can not organise every single event ourselves, but together the people united can we hope that you join your local event page and meet other like minded people to shape your own events. We will of course be supporting our local events too.

People with opinions across the political spectrum are invited to unite and find common ground against the disease of greed and corruption and find a cure for its many symptoms including austerity . Together we will overcome divide and conquer propaganda by forming communities of support and compassion. Together we will fight for freedom and begin engaging in a relentless campaign of non violent civil disobedience.

People will can take part in whatever tactics they are interested in throughout a sustained cycle starting the 4th July 2016.

Here’s a basic list of tactics…

Mass gatherings, and demonstrations;
Marches, parades
Flash mobs, swarms
Shutdown harmful corporate and governmental operations
Worker Strikes
Hunger strikes
Strategic defaults, debt strikes
Foreclosure prevention
Boycotting corrupt corporations Move your money out of the big banks and the stock market
Use alternative currencies and economic systems
Cancel your cable television and support independent media
Use independent online tools that don’t sell your info / protect privacy
Online civil disobedience, Anonymous operations
Leak information on corruption
Use alternative energy
Build urban and hydroponic farms, or get your food from them
Support local businesses
Join local community organizations
Take part in food banks and help develop community support systems 
Start or join intentional and autonomous communities; Experiment with new governing systems, Liquid Democracy
Host teach-ins
Organize socially conscious events
Make conscious media
Guerrilla postering, messages on money
Guerrilla Gardening and Seed bombs
Organise Swap shops and book swaps
Help inspiring groups and organizations spread their message
Random acts of kindness and compassion
Mass meditations, prayer sessions and spiritual actions.

You know what you can do to play a part. Do whatever you feel inspired to do. Amplify what you are already doing. Think about what you are willing to do to be the change we urgently need to see in the world, and then do it.

One of the best ways to do this is to share ideas and support each other in implementing them, you can list your own event here, on our blog, twitter or website. We will help and support you but we can not organise every event across the country for this to succeed we need to work as one, as a collective on our common goal of change! Please use our wall etc to engage with like minded people to inspire each other and reach out to the masses. We hope this free spirited approach will create lots of new fresh n vibrant ways of protest other then just marching.

Today people you can choose to be the change you wish to see in the world, today you can make a stand and united we can make a difference, There are many many more of us then them, we are the 99%

we are the people