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Monday, 24 November 2014

Educate Not Just Incarcerate

Just saying "NO" is not the answer... Arkansas CURE
Says “YES” to rehabilitation for those who have erred

Join Us… To provide information on criminal justice through education and advocacy. Pick a state....any state, except Arkansas. When it comes to rehabilitation, treatment programming and 21st. Century prison reform, Arkansas is trailing too far behind.

Costing a mother over $8.00 a call to hear the voice of her son. Prisoners are assigned to the hoe squad when they enter an Arkansas prison…just as in the past and still called rehabilitation in 2014?

Most States have Prison Work Programs providing commercial job skills and overseen by civilian supervisors. Inmate education is proven to be the most effective program at reducing recidivism... Schools not jails.

Help Us with your Time…Or Donate To Help Advocate & Educate…Thanks!

Arkansas CURE http://www.arkansascure.org ...LIKE US ON facebook Arkansas CURE

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