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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Maggie Tuttle "The Last Goodbye"

In this video children’s rights campaigner Maggie Tuttle describes the agony of parents having to say goodbye to a beloved child about to be brought up by strangers, according to the UK’s mad, runaway ‘forced adoption’ policy which is bit-by-bit breaking up families and causing untold grief and damage in the process…

Please read the link of just one adoption/fostering agency that came to the market for sale for £80 million pounds, within two weeks bidding went to £135 million pounds and sold to an over seas company. Are the British kids worth more money then the Canadian kids? In England there are 100s of adoption and fostering agencies with 1.000s of kids being taken into care, so how much are the 100s of agency making here lies the truth of just one company that was registered for only 5 years then sold for £135 million pounds, so how many kids did this agency buy and sell so that five years later the 2 social workers (Directors) had a profit of millions, no one is aware of the true figures of children taken into care or have died in care, and from the recent media coverage of the King family who fled to Spain with their child Asyha and are refusing to come back to the UK, I can only agree with the king family that kids in the UK are not safe, they are money as you can read in the link


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