WelcomeTo My World

Friday 29 April 2011

Shackled no more: Justice for Juana

the Nashville, TN Sheriff's office has been found guilty of violating the Constitutional rights of Juana Villegas, a pregnant immigrant woman who was inhumanely shackled during labor and denied proper treatment after a traffic stop, of which she was later cleared.

Back in 2008, through documentary and our interactive experience, Homeland Guantanamos, we put a face to Juana Villegas's story.  Because of an agreement between local police and federal immigration authorities, called 287g, she was picked up, detained and shackled during labor.  She was not allowed to use a breast pump to nurse her newborn child.  Villegas said, "The nurse brought me a breast pump... she asked permission for me to take it to jail... again the sheriff said, no."
Watch our first interview with Juana below:

Villegas's case sheds light on the grave injustices in our broken immigration system.  As we continue to tell these stories, in the hope of similar successes, we ask that you play our new Facebook game, America 2049, which weaves human rights issues into each week of game play. Next week, the game explores the struggles of Latino immigrants.
This ruling against the Nashville Sheriff's office is a historic step.  We will continue to tell stories, invite conversation, and inspire action that will help America move even further in the right direction.

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