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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Violence Against Women's Act To Be Used In Assault Weapons Ban

Rihanna Clause Proves Government's Intent

The website www.preactdontreact.com is issuing a warning that the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) will be used to confiscate semi automatic and other weapons en masse. The site predicted this step would be taken in December after the Sandy Hook School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. According to Al Jazeera, Reuters, and NBC news the re-authorization of the original 1994 law was signed by President Obama on March 7, 2013. The website is preparing to mount a campaign against the law due to several issues including the "Rihanna Clause" contained in restraining orders paid for by the law and the rampant judicial and prosecutorial corruption associated with the law. This corruption is widely known within law enforcement including at the highest echelons of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

According to the site the VAWA does not in any way decrease violence against women, but in fact increases it. The original 1994 law resulted in an increase in the deaths of White women in particular. The site also questions the intent of law and its ramifications to the innocent. Other issues that are addressed include the case of Susan Smith, the fact that accused are not allowed hearings under the law, and that the law runs counter to the laws successfully implemented in countries such as Canada.

The site also addresses in depth how the law was designed as a backdoor way to confiscate semi-automatic weapons and other guns without a conviction or trial by the DOJ's gun unit. The issue of the integrity of the DOJ on the issue is also brought into question in light of the "Fast And Furious" cover up by the current leadership of the department. In a stunning revelation, the website reveals a case in which the VAWA was used to frame thousands of individuals without trial which eventually led to an ongoing international scandal involving the State Department, Department of Justice, and several foreign governments. The website charges that a massive cover up was initiated by the Secretary of State and Attorney General, which is supported by numerous emails and documents from cabinet level officials from the US and several other governments. The website also addresses other very disturbing issues with the VAWA including the case of NYC police commissioner Raymond Kelly, cases initiated by the Obama administration through the DOJ against law enforcement entities, and several key facts on violence and women not addressed by the new law.

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