WelcomeTo My World

Thursday 9 September 2010

United National
Antiwar Committee

Unac2010@aol.com or UNAC at P.O. Box 21675, Cleveland, OH 44121
Remember Fallujah Week
Emergency Mobilization Against Racism and Anti-Islamic Bigotry

At the recent United National Antiwar Conference in Albany, NY, we voted to endorse "Remember Fallujah Week," which will be marked by an event in Boston on September 16th at which Noam Chomsky will be the featured speaker. The proposal to support this event was made by Ross Caputi, a veteran of the second attack on Fallujah.

Also, the Continuations Committee, formed out of the conference, endorsed an important action taking place in New York City this Saturday, 9/11 in support of the right for an Islamic Community Center to be built in Lower Manhattan. This event is being sponsored by dozens of organizations.

Below, see the letter from Ross Caputi and information about the rally supporting the planners of the Islamic Community Center in lower Manhattan.

Momentum builds for Sept. 11 march against racism and anti-Muslim bigotry!
Saturday Sept. 11 in NYC-  
1:00 p.m. Assemble and rally at east side of City Hall, then March
Rally at Park Pl. and Church St . (Manhattan)

Dear Friends,

Wednesday night's organizing meeting in New York City for the Saturday, September 11 march against the ugly racism & Islamophobia leveled by the right wing Tea Party against a Muslim Community Center near Ground Zero was truly amazing and inspiring. The plans for a racist rally on September 11 against an Islamic Community Center have galvanized a united anti-racist response. About 100 organizers and activists from dozens of groups attended the meeting to plan a massive show of unity and solidarity. Here are some highlights:

The first report described a noon press conference held by the Islamic Leadership Council of New York, at City Hall that day. The Council, representing 50+ mosques and community centers around the city, emphasized that the attack on Park51 is not unique – the wave of anti-Muslim hatred is truly national, with political and physical attacks on Muslims in many places. The Islamic Leadership Council is a strong supporter of the September 11 rally, along with several other Muslim organizations, including American Muslims for Palestine and Islamic Circle of North America, together with many other religious, peace and community groups.

What's planned for September 11 in New York City is a massive, diversified, strong and respectful march and rally, with appropriate signs, banners and chants against racism and in defense of people's rights. Participants will gather at 1pm on the east side of City Hall at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday, September 11, and march downtown to Park Place and Church Street.

This plan received an overwhelming vote of approval following lively debate. People were reminded that our decision to make a stand followed the announced plans by the Tea Party and others to use 9/11 to spread anti-Muslim hatred and racism. These forces are determined to make hatred and bigotry the key legacy of the 9/11 tragedy.

There was both enthusiasm and a sense of urgency: when the chair announced that more than 50,000 pieces of literature – flyers, stickers, and beautiful full-color palm cards are now available – thanks to someone paying for them by credit card. The response was a flood of financial contributions and pledges: several thousand dollars were immediately raised in pledges and cash from peace groups, Islamic groups, Jewish groups and individuals, and community groups. Baskets were passed around. Before it was finished the printing costs were covered.

Almost all the literature was taken by activists at the meeting. More is being printed. Come to the Solidarity Center to get your supply of palm cards, stickers and flyers. Or download them from http://www.iacenter.org/muslimsolidarity/. (There's no copyright!)

Much more financial support is needed, of course. All our publicity so far is the grassroots type: thousands of palm cards, posters, flyers and stickers are going out in the next few days to schools, colleges, mosques, churches and synagogues. Organizers and activists will meet commuters on trains and buses across the city. Email, blogs, Facebook and Twitter will come alive with the call to unite in opposition to the wave of racism and bigotry, and push it back with solidarity.

Dozens of hands went up in commitment to take responsibility for specific campuses or schools. Schools are open only today, tomorrow this week, and just Tuesday and Wednesday of next week (only Wednesday for public high schools). So we're giving them top priority.

A labor committee met to get more unions involved, using the excellent statement from NYC Labor Against the War.

A logistics committee met to take up concrete plans for stage, sound system, displays to be painted, renting port-a-johns, a large number of volunteers on the day of the rally, etc. There was even talk of raising enough support to place an ad in the NY Times. It would be good: people everywhere would see that we're making a stand in New York City against racism and anti-Muslim bigotry. Whether we have enough for such an ad can only be determined in coming days.  You are encouraged to give what you can. DONATE button on the website: http://www.iacenter.org/muslimsolidaritydonate.

One thing is clear: we have a united and strong mobilization that is proving itself capable to turn the racist tide in a firm, dignified and respectful show of unity.

Please consider this report  a way of including you in this historic peoples' mobilization. This is an appeal to give all the support you can possibly muster: now's the time! We hope you will also spread the appeal to anyone you know who would want to join this effort.

We need JOBS, health care and schools, not war and racism.

Say NO to Racism and Anti-Islamic Bigotry on Saturday, September 11.
Emergency Mobilization Against Racism and Anti-Islamic Bigotryc/o Solidarity Center 55 W 17th St #5C NYC 212-633-6646 iacenter.org/muslimsolidarity

Dear All,
            My name is Ross Caputi. I am an Iraq veteran, but more specifically a veteran of the 2nd siege of Fallujah in November of 2004. I am writing to you today about building Remember Fallujah Week, about the Justice for Fallujah Project, and about the fundraiser that I am organizing with Noam Chomsky as a speaker on September 16th.
            If you are in the Boston area, I would like to invite you to join us at the fundraiser. We are trying to raise money to bring two Iraqi doctors who have done important research on the health crisis in Fallujah to the U.S. for Remember Fallujah Week. We will be having a reception from 5:30 to 6:30 in the auditorium of the Paulist Center at 5 Park Street, Boston. Then we will have a series of speakers in the chapel from 7:00 to 9:00. Noam Chomsky will be speaking, and independent journalist Dahr Jamail will be joining us via video conference. I will also be speaking about my experience in Fallujah, and how that experience radically changed my views and pushed me into the antiwar movement. 
            I would like to ask all the cosponsors of UNAC to support our project. We need financial and logistical support. If we are successful in bringing these doctors to the U.S. they will be available to give talks in different cities during Remember Fallujah Week. Lets start working together to build and coordinate Remember Fallujah Week.
            I'm attaching a flyer for our event. We have more information available on our website: www.thefallujahproject.org. I hope you are all able to join us, or work with us in the future.

Ross Caputi

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