WelcomeTo My World

Friday 10 September 2010

Help the Walker Family take a stand for justice and truth.

Gary Walker convicted of a crime at the age of 16 years old and has been pursuing his innocence for the past 19 years. Gary has not been successful due to the family not being able to afford legal assistance and no- one wants to hear unless they can see money. Gary was only 16 years of age when his terrible ordeal occurred. Gary was never in any kind of trouble before this and was wrongfully convicted of a crime that he had absolutely nothing to do with.

The Walker Family are asking the people of the honest world, for help. To sign this petition to help Gary gain his freedom. Gary did not receive a fair trial; he was tried as an adult and knew nothing about the Justice system. He had no legal help. The walker family are asking you all to help in this struggle to help prove Gary Walkers Innocence. We should appeal to the district to re-open his case.

Help the Walker Family take a stand for justice and truth.

This is a song by Squeak Macc ft Ray Paul & Mack Larry inspired by the unbelievable, unyielding faith and hope in the eyes of Gary Devito Walker each and every time we go visit him. To still have hope after 20 years of incarceration for a crime he didn't commit is unheard of. Each visit he speaks of his faith in God that one day he will be freed and this injustice will be exposed. PLEASE LISTEN TO EVERY WORD OF THIS SONG!! FREE DEVITO....



  1. We would like to Thank everyone for their support in this matter and extend the effort to bring awareness to this misuse of justice anyone who are willing to get involved you can reach me brucewayne6757@gmail.com thanks in advance Gary we will get you free!

  2. The Movement to free Gary Walker is still underway and gaining steam. We are in our 11 month of waiting on DNA results which normally a 3-6 month process. This is a strong case of faulty eyewitness identification, suggestive photo line up and witholding key information by over zealous prosecuters from the court appointed defense. Please join this movement!

  3. Gary Walker convicted of a crime at the age of 16 years old and has been pursuing his innocence for the past 19 years. . Gary was only 16 years of age when his terrible ordeal occurred. Gary was never in any kind of trouble before this and was wrongfully convicted of a crime that he had absolutely nothing to do with.
    Free Gary Vito Walker

  4. Gary finally got in the DNA database to be quered in January 2012, it takes up to 3 months after then for the samples to be tested due to budget cuts in Dallas County. We are praying that the deceased maybe scratched her attacker based on the information provided by a witness who observed a fist fight prior to the homicide between the deceased and perpetrator. Dallas County has seven samples preserved from the crime scene. We ask that everyone pray for the truth to be revealed so that Gary Walker get a chance to clear his name of this seemingly never ending nightmare. Gary remains unbreakable and unyeilding in his pursuit of freedom. He thanks everyone who are fighting this ordeal with him! He reminds us constantly, If God is on our side then Who can be against us! Free Gary Devito Walker

  5. Amen I so happy for Gary & his family thank you for keeping me in the loop Anton here's to JUSTICE for GARY VITO WALKER HOME IS GETTING CLOSE !!
