WelcomeTo My World

Friday 10 September 2010

Mississippi justice

We have produced a video entitled Mississippi justice who we are. It tells everyone a bit about why Mississippi justice was formed, and our goals and hopes. We hope that you will find it informative, and help to see who Elish and Judie are, and what they hope and work to achieve. As always we ask you to share widely as the more voices we have, the louder we can shout for inmates in Mississippi.

We also have a bit of unusual request. The Governor of Texas, Rick Perry has recently changed policy for death row inmates. They are no longer allowed to call international. They are only allowed one five minute call every 90 days, as it is, and to cut off international calls is causing distress, and pain to wives, girlfriends and loved ones not in the USA. Mississippi Justice have decided to back the loved ones in Texas with their petition to have international calls reinstated. We have done this because we feel it is the right thing to do, but also if Governor Barbour sees Texas getting away with this, he may try the same thing in Mississippi. We are asking all our members to sign the Texas loved ones petition at: http://www.petitiononline.com/MSDR/petition.html We also ask that you share it as far and wide as possible to get as many names onto the petition as possible, in support of the families. As one wife said "hearing I love you, is just so important".

In love, peace and solidarity - Mississippi Justice.


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